Targeted marketing definition
Targeted marketing means the promotion by a medical cannabis pharmacy of a medical cannabis product, medical cannabis brand, or a medical cannabis device using any of the following methods:
Targeted marketing means the promotion by a medical cannabis pharmacy of a
Examples of Targeted marketing in a sentence
Targeted marketing promotions are used to promote the use of the Lyft Platform to a targeted group of riders.
Targeted marketing to individuals familiar with community, e.g. alumni, military service, repeat tourism visitors.
Targeted marketing to transportation firms and potential wholesalers.
Targeted marketing to low-ridership regions and under-represented groups could have the benefit of improving balancing and capitalizing on existing infrastructure while broadening the membership base.
Targeted marketing and outreach could help to overcome this problem.
More Definitions of Targeted marketing
Targeted marketing means the same as the term is defined in Subsection [26B-4-201(55)]4-41a-102(47).
Targeted marketing means [the promotion by a medical cannabis pharmacy of a medical cannabis product, medical cannabis brand, or a medical cannabis device using any of the following methods:{]} {the same as that term is defined in Section 4-41a-102.
Targeted marketing means [the promotion by a medical cannabis pharmacy of a medical cannabis product, medical cannabis brand, or a medical cannabis device using any of the following methods: (a) electronic communication to an individual who is at least 21 years old and has requested to receive promotional information from the medical cannabis pharmacy; (b) an in-person marketing event that is: (i) held inside a medical cannabis pharmacy; and (ii) in an area where only a medical cannabis cardholder may access the event; or (c) other marketing material that is physically available or digitally displayed in: (i) a medical cannabis pharmacy; and (ii) an area where only a medical cannabis cardholder has access] the promotion by a qualified medical provider, medical clinic, or medical office that employs a qualified medical provider of a medical cannabis recommendation service using any of the following methods:
Targeted marketing means the same as the term is defined in Subsection 26B-4-201(55).
Targeted marketing means the same as the term is defined in Subsection 26B-4-201(55). (19) "Utah resident" means an individual who has established a domicile in Utah.
Targeted marketing means [the promotion by a medical cannabis pharmacy of a medical cannabis product, medical cannabis brand, or a medical cannabis device using any of the following methods:{ (a) electronic communication to an individual who is at least 21 years old and has requested to receive promotional information from the medical
Targeted marketing means the promotion of a medical cannabis product, medical cannabis brand, or medical