Examples of Tax Appeal Board in a sentence
As Clerk of the Illinois Property Tax Appeal Board and the keeper of the Records thereof, I do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true, full and complete Final Administrative Decision of the Illinois Property Tax Appeal Board issued this date in the above entitled appeal, now of record in this said office.
Property Tax Appeal Board, 44 Ill.2d 428, 256 N.E.2d 334., 1970).
A Board complaint decision resulting in a change of assessed value will be effective for only the current assessment year; the Board does not have retroactive power except with regard to omitted property and the process of stipulation of assessed value on appeals which are currently before the Property Tax Appeal Board for prior tax years.
The appellant appeared before the Property Tax Appeal Board through Michelle Work, member of the LLC, and by her attorney, Charles Cronauer, contending overvaluation as the basis of the appeal.
The Illinois Association of School Boards shall attempt to have legislation passed that would permit a school district to increase the bond and interest levy to recover taxes lost from an adverse Property Tax Appeal Board Decision, that caused the district to expend operating funds to amortize debt.
This is a final administrative decision of the Property Tax Appeal Board which is subject to review in the Circuit Court or Appellate Court under the provisions of the Administrative Review Law (735 ILCS 5/3-101 et seq.) and section 16-195 of the Property Tax Code.
Note: A Contractor's Affidavit/Statement or documentation of the total cost must be submitted to the Property Tax Appeal Board.
Valuation decisions can be appealed to the Illinois Property Tax Appeal Board (PTAB) within 30 days of the Notice of Findings being sent.
The County currently has various property tax appeals pending in front of the Property Tax Appeal Board.
Administration recommended the Board of Education adopt the Resolution Authorizing Intervention in Proceedings before the State of Illinois Property Tax Appeal Board.