Tax Termination definition
Examples of Tax Termination in a sentence
However, the Securityholder is not entitled to request any further payments on the Securities after the Termination Date or the Tax Termination Date, as the case may be.
In the case of a termination of the Securities by the Issuer, the Securityholder bears the risk of a reinvestment, i.e. the investor bears the risk that it will have to re-invest the Termination Amount or, as the case may be, the Tax Termination Amount, if any, paid by the Issuer in the case of termination at market conditions, which are less favourable than those existing prevailing at the time of the acquisition of the Securities.
In the event that the term of the Securities is terminated early by the Issuer pursuant to the Conditions of the Securities, potential investors of the Securities should note that any adverse fluctuations in the Price of the Underlyings between the announcement of the termination by the Issuer and the determination of the Price of the Underlyings relevant for the calculation of the then payable Termination Amount or the Tax Termination Amount, as the case may be, are borne by the Securityholders.
EUROPEAN MONETARY UNION.............................................................70 SECTION 8.15.
In the event that the term of the Securities is terminated early by the Issuer pursuant to the Conditions of the Securities, potential investors of the Securities should note that any adverse fluctuations in the Price of the Underlying between the announcement of the termination by the Issuer and the determination of the Price of the Underlying relevant for the calculation of the then payable Termination Amount or Tax Termination Amount, as the case may be, are borne by the Securityholders.
In the event that the term of the Securities is terminated early by the Issuer pursuant to the Conditions of the Securities, potential investors of the Securities should note that any adverse fluctuations in the Price of the Underlying between the announcement of the termination by the Issuer and the determination of the Price of the Underlying relevant for the calculation of the then payable Termination Amount or the Tax Termination Amount, as the case may be, are borne by the Securityholders.
In the event that the term of the Securities is terminated early by the Issuer pursuant to the Conditions of the Securities, potential investors of the Securities should note that any negative performance of the Price of the Underlying between the announcement of the termination by the Issuer and the determination of the Price of the Underlying relevant for calculation of the then payable Termination Amount or the Tax Termination Amount, as the case may be, are borne by the Securityholders.
In the case of a termination of the Securities by the Issuer, the Securityholder bears the risk of a reinvestment, i.e. the investor bears the risk that it will have to re-invest the Termination Amount or the Tax Termination Amount, as the case may be, if any, paid by the Issuer in the case of termination at market conditions, which are less favourable than those existing prevailing at the time of the acquisition of the Securities.
In the event that the Term of the Securities is terminated early by the Issuer pursuant to the Terms and Conditions of the Securities, potential investors of the Securities should note that any negative performance of the Price of the Underlying between the announcement of the termination by the Issuer and the determination of the Price of the Underlying relevant for the calculation of the then payable Termination Amount or the Tax Termination Amount, as the case may be, are borne by the Securityholders.
If the Issuer opts to terminate and redeem the Securities prior to the Expiration Date, the Securityholder will have the right to receive a payment in respect of such termination, but will have no claim for any additional payments on the Securities after the Termination Date or, as the case may be, the Tax Termination Date.