TB patient definition
Examples of TB patient in a sentence
The goal of the MDR subtask is to assess the probability of a TB patient having resistant form of tuberculosis based on the analysis of a chest CT.
This is a measure of a programme’s ability to start treatment promptly and treat patients effectively.Serious Adverse Event (SAE)Any untoward medical occurrence that may present in a TB patient during treatment with a pharmaceutical product, but which does not necessarily have a causal relationship with this treatment, which either leads to: death; a life-threatening experience; hospitalization or prolongation of hospitalization; persistent or significant disability; a congenital anomaly.
TB Case Management of active or suspected active TB cases Ensure that each active or suspected active TB case is assigned a PDS case manager to coordinate TB follow-up: (1) each active or suspected active TB patient is educated about TB and its treatment; (2) contacts to the TB patient are examined; and (3) the TB patient completes an appropriate course of therapy.
As of the Expansion Date, Tenant’s Pro Rata Share, solely as it relates to the Expansion Space, shall be 6.00%.
Bedaquiline has been recommended to be used as a core drug in the longer TB treatment regimen for RR/MDR TB patient.
If the household does include such persons, arrangements should be made to prevent them from being exposed to the TB patient until a determination has been made that the patient is noninfectious.
In addition, these HCWs should be tested whenever they have been exposed to a TB patient and appropriate precautions were not observed at the timeof exposure (Section II.K.3).
When in 1997, there was only one HIV-infected TB patient reg- istered in Estonia, the number had increased to 43 in 2012, constituting around 15% of all TB cases that year.
For CalOptima Members under their care, the CalOptima health care provider will: (1) ensure that each TB patient adheres to treatment and follow-up medical CATEGORY County/PDS CalOptima/Health Networks airborne isolation; and (2) medical need versus public health need.
This review estimated that BPJS-K unnecessarily incurs expenses of at least IDR 850,000 per uncomplicated TB patient treated in secondary care56.