Examples of Teaching strategy in a sentence
The QAA also requires that the student develops a comprehensive understanding of methods used in research and enquiry, and you will be expected to develop the skills needed to critically evaluate current research and advanced scholarship without bias.The University has an established Learning and Teaching strategy that shapes the delivery of the programme which endeavours to develop your ability to learn and change as a person not just acquire new knowledge.
To determine the UCC’s policies, including the Learning & Teaching strategy, and note the development of associated implementation plans.
The University has an established Learning and Teaching strategy that shapes the delivery of the programme which endeavours to develop your ability to learn and change as a person not just acquire new knowledge.
OW Academic Staff EDUCATIONAL MODELThe Open Window (OW) adopts an outcomes-based, learner-centred, educational model and Learning and Teaching strategy.
Resolved: to thank the Director for her presentation that helped set the challenging and exciting context for the discussion of the Learning & Teaching strategy.
To make appropriate recommendations on new initiatives and industry developments -- in particular their effect upon the University Learning and Teaching strategy.
Teaching strategy" means a system of instructional processes designed to meet course objectives or outcomes.
While Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay apply a more usual version of a broad basis value added tax, Brazil has three imperfect varieties of this kind of tax: two collected by the federal government (the manufactured goods tax and the social contribution–Contribuição para o Financiamento da Seguridade Social - Cofins)–and other applied at the state level on all kinds of goods as well as on interstate transportation and communication services.
Teaching strategy could motivate the students to be more active in reading activities.The expert also suggested the researcher to be careful in explaining the example of Abu Nawas story that existed in the second unit.
Indeed in December 2011 a strategic alliance was established with Bangor University11, which resulted in a joint Learning and Teaching strategy being created.Whilst the University now works to implement its own strategic learning and teaching objectives, there remains a strong commitment to collaborate with fellow Welsh higher education institutions on areas of common interest, such as lobbying for the translation of software to the Welsh language.