Technology protection measure definition
Examples of Technology protection measure in a sentence
As used in this part 6, unless the context otherwise requires: (7) "Technology protection measure" means a specific technology, including without limitation computer software, that blocks or filters internet access to visual depictions that are: (c) Harmful to minors; except that no technology protection measure may block scientific or medically accurate information regarding sexual assault, sexual abuse, incest, sexually transmitted diseases INFECTIONS, or reproductive health.
Ch. 230 Health and Environment 921 (7) "Technology protection measure" means a specific technology, including without limitation computer software, that blocks or filters internet access to visual depictions that are: (c) Harmful to minors; except that no technology protection measure may block scientific or medically accurate information regarding sexual assault, sexual abuse, incest, sexually transmitted diseases INFECTIONS, or reproductive health.
Technology protection measure – a specific technology that blocks or filters Internet access to visual depictions that are obscene, child pornography or harmful to minors.Authority The availability of access to electronic information does not imply endorsement by the District of the content, nor does the District guarantee the accuracy of information received.