Temporary job site means a location where any of the following occur:
Temporary use means a use or structure on improved or unimproved real estate which is of impermanent nature, and is used for less than ninety days in a calendar year.
Temporary Closure means ceasing operation of all or part of a facility with the intent of reusing the facility or portion of the facility at a future date.
Temporary Cash Investments means any of the following:
Temporary Cash Investment means any of the following:
temporary building means a Building designed or constructed, erected or placed on land and which is demolished or removed from the lands within twelve months of Building Permit issuance;
Temporary Work means all temporary works of every kind required in or about the execution, completion and maintenance of the works.
Temporary housing means any tent, trailer, motor home, or other structure used for human shelter which is designed to be transportable and which is not attached to the ground, to another structure, or to any utilities system on the same premises for more than thirty (30) days.
Temporary Position means a position that the Employer has determined will be in excess of thirty (30) calendar days and not more than two (2) years, but which is not a Regular Position. Temporary Positions are intended for staffing of short term projects and interim staffing relief during periods such as the absences of employees or for unexpected and temporary changes in workload. A Temporary Position may be either a new position for the designated period or a temporary vacancy of a Regular Position or of a previously vacated Temporary Position.
Temporary custody means legal custody of a child who is removed from the child's home, which custody may be terminated at any time at the discretion of the court or, if the legal custody is granted in an agreement for temporary custody, by the person who executed the agreement.
Temporary license means a license issued on a short-term basis for a specified time pursuant to subrule 3.5(4).
Temporary Work Agency means as defined in Regulation 4 of the AWR being a person engaged in the economic activity, public or private, whether or not operating for profit, and whether or not carrying on such activity in conjunction with others, of:
temporary licence means a Licence granted under the Act valid for a single day or for such period as may be specified in the Licence not exceeding six months.
Temporary Works means all temporary works of every kind required in or about the execution, completion or maintenance of works.
Temporary food service establishment means a food service establishment that operates at a fixed location for a period of time of not more than 14 consecutive days in conjunction with a single event or celebration.
Temporary worker means a person who is furnished to you to substitute for a permanent "employee" on leave or to meet seasonal or short-term workload conditions.
Temporary container means a receptacle that is usually
Temporary Post means a post other than a permanent post.
Temporary food establishment means a food establishment that operates for a period of no more than fourteen consecutive days in conjunction with a single event or celebration.
Temporary clean coal technology demonstration project means a clean coal technology demonstration project that is operated for a period of five years or less and that complies with the SIP and other requirements necessary to attain and maintain the national ambient air quality standards during the project and after the project is terminated.
temporary resident means a person who, in accordance with standards prescribed in rules adopted by the registrar, resides in this state on a temporary basis.
Temporary Occupation Permit means a Temporary Occupation Permit issued under the Building Control Act (Cap. 29);
Temporary service means an electrical service granted temporarily for such purposes as construction, real estate sales, trailers, et cetera;
Temporary means employment of an intermittent nature; for a limited, specified period; and undertaken during unpaid Maternity Leave or extended unpaid Maternity Leave.
Temporary permit means a permit issued to a person who has applied for a regular
Temporary Certificate means a certificate issued pursuant to subdivision (d) of section 7 of this local law.