temporary building definition

temporary building means a Building designed or constructed, erected or placed on land and which is demolished or removed from the lands within twelve months of Building Permit issuance;
temporary building means a temporary building, structure, or shelter for which a building permit is necessary under the Building By-law.
temporary building. - means a structure that has been permitted to exist for a limited time only;

Examples of temporary building in a sentence

  • PROVIDED ALWAYS THAT provision of an Adoptable Access and connections within its boundary so as to connect it to surface water drainage facilities and to mains foul drainage water gas electricity and telecommunications shall not be required to be satisfied (other than the provision of Temporary Building Services) until 32 months from the date of Commencement of Development.

  • No further Dwellings shall be brought into residential use nor thereafter Occupied on the Site beyond 18 months from the date of Commencement of Development unless a duly executed Transfer in respect of the PS1 Site has been delivered to the County Council, the Owners have provided an Ensured Access to the PS1 Site for the County Council, and provided Temporary Building Services for the PS1 Site.

More Definitions of temporary building

temporary building means a building constructed without any foundation, and the use or placement of which is intended to be for periods of time that are less than six months;
temporary building means a building that is intended to be used for a period of time not exceeding one year from the date of issuance of a building permit, but does not include construction site temporary buildings;
temporary building means a building which complies with the provisions of Part Y of these By-laws;
temporary building means any building that is so declared by the owner and that is being used or is to be used for a specified purpose for a specified limited period of time, but does not include a builder's shed;
temporary building means such building which is declared by the Authorized Officer to be of a temporary nature.
temporary building means a building or structure incidental to and accessory to lawful construction work, intended for removal or demolition within a prescribed time as set out in a building permit.
temporary building means a temporary building, structure, or shelter erected for a period not exceeding twelve months for which a building permit is necessary under the Building By-law; and”.