Examples of Term to maturity in a sentence
WorldReginfo - b4e6bbf5-715b-4aa7-ba22-6cfd9e9d003c Term to maturity As at June 30, 2014Less than1 year1 to 3 years3 to 5 yearsOver 5 years TotalDerivative assets$ 390$ 464$ 316$ 10,743$ 11,913Derivative liabilities772873347,0377,735 As at December 31, 2013 Derivative assets$ 103$ 442$ 316$ 8,812$ 9,673Derivative liabilities4843573287,7608,929 The following table presents the fair value of derivative contracts categorized by hierarchy.
BONDS AND MORTGAGE AND OTHER LOANS Carrying value of bonds and mortgage and other loans due over the current and non-current term is as follows: December 3l, 2Ol8 l year or less l-5 years Term to maturity Over 5 yearsCarrying value TotalBondsMortgage and other loans [l]ll,77l 2,22828,36O lŁ,3598Ł,736l6,lO3l2Ł,867 32,69O l3,999Ł2,7l9lOO,839l57,557 [l] Mortgage and other loans include equity-release mortgages which do not have a fixed redemption date.
Carrying value Term to maturity December 3l, 2Ol7l year or lessl-5 yearsOver 5 yearsTotalBondsMortgage and other loanslO,352 2,88O27,OŁ2l3,OOl82,77llŁ,ll7l2O,l65 29,998 l3,232ŁO,OŁ396,888l5O,l63 18-MAR-19 2:05 PM The table shown above excludes the carrying value of impaired bonds and mortgage and other loans, as the ultimate timing of collectability is uncertain.
Term to maturity As at September 30, 2014Less than1 year1 to 3 years3 to 5 yearsOver 5 years TotalDerivative assets$ 555$ 527$ 431$ 11,872$ 13,385Derivative liabilities872693367,6758,367 As at December 31, 2013 Derivative assets$ 103$ 442$ 316$ 8,812$ 9,673Derivative liabilities4843573287,7608,929The following table presents the fair value of derivative contracts categorized by hierarchy.
Term and Bond Loans broadly contain terms as follows: ▪ Term to maturity: 5-15 years and in special cases up to 25 years.
March 31, 2012 December 31, 2011 Gold futures prices US$1,671 to US$1,684 per ounce US$1,571 to US$1,585 per ounce Exercise price (call options) US$1,200 per ounce US$1,200 per ounce Term to maturity 0.17 to 0.67 years 0.42 to 2.42 years Annualized volatility 25-35% 30% Risk free rate 0.1% to 0.3% 0.1% to 0.2% The put option component of the gold note, a derivative asset of the Company, has a value of US$23,000 at March 31, 2012 (US$145,000 as at December 31, 2011).
Term to maturity ‘Short term securities’ and ‘long term securities’ are required to be based on the original term to maturity at the date of issue of the securities, not the residual maturity of the securities at the superannuation entity’s reporting date.
Portfolio Investments (cont'd) 2016 Term to maturity 1 year or less 1-5 yearsOver 5 years The above excludes the carrying value of impaired bonds and mortgage loans, as the ultimate timing of collectability is uncertain.
The measurement of expected credit loss requires the application of significant assumptions, such as:• Term to maturity: ITAÚ UNIBANCO HOLDING considers the maximum contractual period on which it will be exposed a financial instrument’s credit risk.
Term to maturity As for the terms to maturity, we note that the term to maturity of the Comparable Issues ranged from two years to perpetuality, with an average and median of approximately 3.5 years and 3 years respectively.