Examples of Territorial Rights in a sentence
We collaborate and coordinate our efforts as one global organization 9.1 Strategic Planning9.2 Membership roles and responsibilities9.3 Territorial Rights and Interests9.4 Resourcing the Global SystemWhen it comes to territorial matters, Fairtrade Members commit to treating each other fairly and respectfully, and to following the policy on Territorial Rights and Interests adopted at the General Assembly in 2018, and the processes laid out therein for consultation and information sharing.
For discussions of the CLIP Principles, see Christian Heinze, A Framework for InternationalEnforcement of Territorial Rights: The CLIP Principles on Jurisdiction, in Intellectual Property in the Global Arena: Jurisdiction, Applicable Law, and the Recognition of Judgments in Europe, Japan and the US 53–76 (Jürgen Basedow, Toshiyuki Kono & Axel Metzger eds., 2010).
Wasserstrom Expert Report, Conclusion 6; Exhibit C-441, Bjorn Bjorkman, Douglas Southgate, and Robert Wasserstrom, Response to Mr. Cabrera’s Claims about Deforestation and Alleged Violations of Indigenous Territorial Rights in the Ecuadorian Amazon, Sept.
No Franchisee’s Territorial Rights conflict with the Territorial Rights of any other Franchisee.
To best serve these three primary needs, institutions adopt a specific organizational structure that serves as the blueprint for the design and management of their respective asset pools.