the Territory definition

the Territory means the sub-Saharan Continent, south of the 15N latitude.
the Territory means the mandated territory of South-West Africa.
the Territory means the Republic of Zambia.

Examples of the Territory in a sentence

  • XXXXX, authorised by written deeds of assignment, controls in the Territory, amongst others, the performing rights in the Works of Music of its Members and of the Members of the Affiliated Societies.

  • All meetings of the House of Delegates shall take place at a site within the Territory.

  • SAP grants to Provider, a non-exclusive, non-transferable, right in the Territory to use the SAP Cloud Service solely for Customers and their Affiliates’ internal business operations in conjunction with the provision of BPO Services.

  • If the General Chair is to be absent from the Territory, the General Chair may, but is not obligated to, designate the Administrative Vice-Chair as acting General Chair for the duration of the absence.

  • This Act binds the Crown in right of the Territory and, to the extent the legislative power of the Legislative Assembly permits, the Crown in all its other capacities.

More Definitions of the Territory

the Territory the Republic of South Africa.
the Territory means the Northern Territory;
the Territory means the world.
the Territory means the mandated territory of South-West Africa.[The definition of “the Territory” is inserted by Act 16 of 1943. The full stop at the end should be a semicolon.]
the Territory means the Australian Capital Territory.
the Territory means the territory of South-West Africa, including that part of the said territory known as the Eastern Caprivi Zipfel and referred to in section 38(5) of the South-West Africa Constitution Act, 1968 (Act No. 39 of 1968).
the Territory means the United States of America.