Examples of The responsible authorities in a sentence
The responsible authorities and other persons within the local community may make representations on any part of the application where relevant to the four licensing objectives.
The responsible authorities are required to provide a range of services in their community from policing, fire protection, planning, consumer and environmental protection, transport and highways.
The responsible authorities of the institution where the work was carried out have been informed about the manuscript and approve it.
The responsible authorities shall facilitate inquiries made by family members and encourage and cooperate with the work of humanitarian organizations engaged in the task of family reunification.
The responsible authorities that can object is the Metropolitan Police or Environmental Protection.
The responsible authorities and other interested parties within the local community may make representations on any part of the application where relevant to the four licensing objectives.
The responsible authorities have considered those comments in assessing the effects of the project and in coming to a conclusion on the likely significance of the adverse environmental effects.
The responsible authorities are required to provide a range of services in their community.
The responsible authorities are anyway committed to publish calls for proposals avoiding overlapping of TPs between different CBC programmes.
The responsible authorities shall ensure that the said medical establishments and units are, as far as possible, situated in such a manner that attacks against military objectives cannot imperil their safety.