Responsible agency means a public agency, which proposes to carry out or approve a project, for which [a] Lead Agency is preparing or has prepared an EIR or Negative Declaration. For the purposes of CEQA, the term “responsible agency” includes all public agencies other than the Lead Agency, which have discretionary approval power over the project. (Section 15381)
Responsible agency means the orga- nizational element that has the legal duty to ensure compliance with these guidelines.
Responsible agency means a public agency, other than the lead agency, which has responsibility for carrying out or approving a project.
Examples of Responsible agency in a sentence
NOTE: The AFRCC will be the Responsible Agency for all incidents or missions involving overdue General Aviation (GA) interstate flights, DoD aircraft, commercial aircraft or missions of national concern.
More Definitions of Responsible agency
Responsible agency means the initial agency or another state agency that agrees to be designated the responsible agency.
Responsible agency means the or- ganizational element that has the legal duty to ensure that owners, operators, or users of facilities comply with these guidelines.
Responsible agency means the or- ganizational unit whose action is being appealed. This will be OJP, NIJ, BJS, OJJDP, BJA or OVC as appropriate. In hearings requested under the non- discrimination provisions of the Crime Control Act, the responsible agency is OJP. In hearings requested to contest block or formula grant denials or ter- minations or categorical grant termi- nations, the responsible agency is the organizational unit that took the ac- tion at issue: OJP, BJA, OJJDP, NIJ, BJS or OVC.
Responsible agency means all public agencies other than the County which have discretionary approval power over the project.
Responsible agency means a public or private organization that, upon written agreement with a resident or the resident’s designated representative, provides either or both of the following:
Responsible agency means a licensed hospital, a public or
Responsible agency means the State agency that (i)