Adult foster care means room and board, supervision, and special services to an adult who has a
Mobile food unit means a vehicle-mounted food service establishment designed to be readily movable.
the Skipton Fund means the ex-gratia payment scheme administered by the Skipton Fund Limited, incorporated on 25th March 2004, for the benefit of certain persons suffering from hepatitis C and other persons eligible for payment in accordance with the scheme’s provisions;
Public procurement unit means either a local public procurement unit or a state public procurement unit.
Foster care placement means placement of a child through (i) an agreement between the parents or
Project Management Unit and “PMU” each means the Recipient’s unit responsible for the implementation of its Respective Part of the Project referred to in Section I.A.2 of Schedule 2 to this Agreement.
Reported criminal history means any formal criminal justice system charges and dispositions including arrests, detentions, indictments, criminal information, convictions, deferred adjudications, and probations in any state or federal jurisdiction that is obtained by a means other than the Fingerprint-based Applicant Clearinghouse of Texas (FACT).
Local public procurement unit means any political subdivision or unit thereof which expends public funds for the procurement of supplies, services, or construction.
Managing general agent or "MGA" means any person, firm, association or corporation who manages all or part of the insurance business of an insurer, including the management of a separate division, department or underwriting office, and acts as an agent for such insurer whether known as a managing general agent, manager or other similar term, who, with or without the authority, either separately or together with affiliates, produces, directly or indirectly, and underwrites an amount of gross written premium equal to or more than 5% of the policyholder surplus as reported in the last annual statement of the insurer in any one quarter or year together with one or more of the following:
Permanent foster care placement means the place of residence in which a child resides and in
energy from renewable sources or ‘renewable energy’ means energy from renewable non-fossil sources, namely wind, solar (solar thermal and solar photovoltaic) and geothermal energy, ambient energy, tide, wave and other ocean energy, hydropower, biomass, landfill gas, sewage treatment plant gas, and biogas;
Transitional housing means buildings configured as rental housing developments, but operated under program requirements that require the termination of assistance and recirculating of the assisted unit to another eligible program recipient at a predetermined future point in time that shall be no less than six months from the beginning of the assistance.
SPP Has the meaning stated in the preamble of this Agreement.
Historically black college or university means an institution determined by the Secretary of Education to meet the requirements of 34 CFR 608.2.
Managing General Partner means the managing general partner of the Merging Entity where such Merging Entity is a limited partnership.
CM means City Manager of COE appointed in terms of Section 82 of the Local Government: Municipal Structures Act 117 of 1998
the Fund means moneys made available from time to time by the Secretary of State for the benefit of persons eligible for payment in accordance with the provisions of a scheme established by him on 24th April 1992 or, in Scotland, on 10th April 1992;
the Gazette means the Belize Government Gazette and includes any supplement thereto;
DRP means any dividend reinvestment plan implemented by the Issuer from time to time;
Direct holdings means all publicly traded securities of a company that are held directly by the state treasurer or a retirement system in an actively managed account or fund in which the retirement system owns all shares or interests.
Asset Management Company/UTI AMC/AMC/Investment Manager means the UTI Asset Management Company Limited incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956, (1 of 1956) [replaced by The Companies Act, 2013 (No.18 of 2013)] and approved as such by Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) under sub-regulation (2) of Regulation 21 to act as the Investment Manager to the schemes of UTI Mutual Fund.
Private sewage disposal system means a system which provides for the treatment or disposal of domestic sewage from four or fewer dwelling units or the equivalent of less than sixteen individuals on a continuing basis.
SRP shall have the meaning set forth in Section 6.1 hereof.
BRRD II means Directive (EU) 2019/879 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 2019 amending Directive 2014/59/EU as regards the loss-absorbing and recapitalisation capacity of credit institutions and investment firms and Directive 98/26/EC.
Cogeneration unit means a unit that has equipment used to produce electric energy and forms of useful thermal energy (such as heat or steam) for industrial, commercial, heating or cooling purposes, through the sequential use of energy.
Solid Waste Management Unit , or “SWMU” means any discernible unit at which solid wastes have been placed at any time, irrespective of whether the unit was intended for the management of solid or hazardous wastes. Such units include any area at a facility at which solid wastes have been routinely or systematically released.