the Fund definition
Examples of the Fund in a sentence
The Employer agrees to pay the amount specified in Article VIII, Section 1(a) of this Addendum for "401 (a) Plan” for each hour worked by its employees covered by this Agreement, including all non-bargaining unit work and bargaining unit work, into the Sheet Metal Workers Local Union No. 20 Defined Contribution Pension Fund, at the depository designated by the Trustees of the Fund.
All monies due or accruing to the Fund shall be paid to the Treasurer, who shall pay no monies therefrom which have not been provided for by the Budget adopted at the annual Convention, unless authorized to do so by the Diocesan Council, or by the Xxxxxx for expenditures under $1,000.
Regulation (EU) No 223/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council3 lays down rules applicable to the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (the ‘Fund’).
The Joint Education and Training Fund Committee shall meet quarterly to mutually agree on other education and training expenditures from the Fund for the next quarter.
Each Employer shall contribute to said Fund as per Exhibit “A” for each compensable hour worked by each of his employees to be remitted to the Fund Trustees monthly.