Examples of the Fund in a sentence
If the Employer does not contribute the amounts in accordance with this Agreement, the relevant Trust Deed and the Fund or scheme the Employer shall be liable to make the appropriate contributions immediately upon notification of the non compliance.
Further, the Employer shall pay the earnings on the relevant Trust Deed and the Fund or scheme that would have accrued during the period of non-payment.
Columbia shall provide Participant and all other parties contributing to the Fund, quarterly accountings for all financial activities of the Fund, including, but not limited to all interest earned on the Fund and all payments made from the Fund to the airline(s) under the Air Service Agreement.
If Columbia fails to enter into an Air Service Agreement with an airline(s) by , Participant can request that Columbia shall return the funds contributed by Participant hereunder or opt to keep their funds in the Fund for an additional six (6) month period (through ).
Contributions to the Fund will be remitted to the National Office.