Examples of The Technical Committee in a sentence
The Technical Committee constituted by the Director, ICAR-CIPHET shall have the right to verify the particulars furnished by the bidder independently.
The Technical Committee may establish such working groups as may be necessary to deal with specific tasks.
The Technical Committee is responsible for providing recommendations to the Policy Board on the various plans and programs implemented by the MPO.
The Technical Committee has granted the following deviations to the development standards through the authority referenced.
The Technical Committee reviews, studies, and makes recommendations to the Policy Board related to technical issues affecting spending and study priorities.
The Technical Committee (TC) is responsible for the rules of each league.
The Technical Committee responsible for the NFPA Standard or the part of the NFPA Standard affected shall process the subject matter of any Tentative Interim Amendment as Public Input for the next edition of the NFPA Standard (see Section 3.3).
The Technical Committee has conducted its various reviews on this proposal, including ensuring compliance with the Redmond Zoning Code, Redmond Comprehensive Plan, Redmond Municipal Code and State Environmental Policy Act.
The Technical Committee shall attempt to conclude its work on specific matters, especially those referred to it by Members, the Committee or a panel, in a reasonably short period of time.
The Technical Committee scrutiny will be conducted based on the support documents submitted by the Bidders.