Therapeutic substitution definition

Therapeutic substitution means the act of dispensing a drug product with a different chemical structure for the drug product prescribed under circumstances where the prescriber has not given clear and conscious direction for substitution of the particular drug for the one which may later be ordered.¶
Therapeutic substitution means the act of dispensing an alternative drug that is believed to be therapeutically similar but may be chemically different, in a different category, or with differ- ent pharmacokinetic properties. This substitution is based on the premise that the substituted drug will provide similar clinical effi- cacy, desired outcome, and safety profile.
Therapeutic substitution means the prescribing of a drug for a patient that contains chemically different active ingredients than a

Examples of Therapeutic substitution in a sentence

  • Therapeutic substitution may also be initiated at the time the prescription is dispensed.

  • This should not beconfused with the practice of ‘‘switching’’ one branded drug product with another similar branded drug product, commonly referred to as ‘‘therapeutic substitution.’’ Therapeutic substitution would always require explicit prescriber notification and approval.We believe that a cost-effective drugutilization management program could also employ the use of prior authorization, step therapy, tiered cost- sharing, and other tools to manage utilization.

  • Therapeutic substitution: replacement of a drug prescribed by a physician with a similar or equivalent product, usually with permission of the prescribing physician.

  • Therapeutic substitution may help decrease drug costs if it can be implemented in a way that does not negatively affect quality and access to care.

  • Therapeutic substitution is where an equally effective but less expensive drug of the same group is substituted.

More Definitions of Therapeutic substitution

Therapeutic substitution means the substitution of a drug that contains chemically different active ingredients that are considered to be therapeutically equivalent.
Therapeutic substitution means the act of dispensing an alternative drug that is believed to be therapeutically similar but may be chemically different, in a different category, or with differ- ent pharmacokinetic properties. This substitution is based on the
Therapeutic substitution means substituting a prescribed drug for a drug that is within the same pharmacologic class and limited to the scientific properties approved by Council.
Therapeutic substitution means substituting a prescribed drug for a drug that is within the same pharmacologic class and limited to the scientific properties defined in clause 1(k) of this Part K;
Therapeutic substitution means the act of dispensing a drug product with a different chemical
Therapeutic substitution means the act of dispensing a drug product with a different chemical structure for the drug product prescribed under circumstances where the prescriber has not given clear and conscious
Therapeutic substitution means the dispensing of a chemically