Examples of Secondary treatment in a sentence
The performance level for WWTFs is referred to as “secondary treatment.” Secondary treatment is comprised of technology-based requirements expressed in terms of BOD5, TSS and pH; 40 C.F.R. Part 133.
The performance level for WWTFs is referred to as “secondary treatment.” Secondary treatment is comprised of technology-based requirements expressed in terms of BOD5, TSS, and pH; 40 C.F.R. Part 133.
The performance level for WWTFs is referred to as “secondary treatment.” Secondary treatment is comprised of technology-based requirements expressed in terms of BOD5, TSS, and pH.
Secondary treatment is comprised of technology-based requirements expressed in terms of BOD5, TSS, and pH.
The performance level for WWTFs is referred to as “secondary treatment.” Secondary treatment is comprised of technology-based requirements expressed in terms of BOD5, TSS, and pH; 40 C.F.R. Part 133.Water quality-based effluent limits, on the other hand, are designed to ensure that state water quality standards are achieved, irrespective of the technological or economic considerations that inform technology-based limits.