Examples of These Islands in a sentence
These Islands include, among others, islands, reefs, shoals and cays of various numbers and sizes.
Kristof, Would You Fight for These Islands?, The New York Times, 20 October, 1996.
These Islands have a vast coastline (1/4th of the total coast line of the country) and because of isolated and scattered islands and adverse weather conditions, surveillance is inconsistent.
However, in 1984, the Islands Trust did document and identify the settler heritage buildings in the Islands Trust Area in an extensive publication.6In 1992, the Islands Trust encapsulated the views of the public in a Summary Report on the Islands Trust Public Forums: These Islands of Ours .
Anita Hofschneider, “Can These Islands Survive America’s Military Pivot to Asia?,” Honolulu Civil Beat, 12 December 2016.
Dr. Hedberg Objected to the Use of Mexican Islands and Proposed That These Islands Should Not Be Used for the Demarcationof the Maritime Boundaries81In the drawing of the maritime boundaries, both the United States and Mexico took advantage of the fact that customary and conventional international law allow coastal states to use islands as basepoints for the drawing of maritime boundaries.
See Kristina E.Stege, “An Kōrā Aelōn̄ Kein (These Islands Belong to the Women),” in Land and Women: The Matrilineal Factor: The Cases of the Republic of the Marshall Islands, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu, ed.
These Islands have been subjected to the continued erosional patterns observed along the Terrebonne Basin and are currently at a critical minimum width in some areas, which is conducive to breaching.
These Islands have been categorized as one of the biodiversity eco-region under the category of tropical corals in Global 200 Marine eco regions.
These Islands thus became state-owned lands (discussed below).As a result, only Kuba Island remained as a private land.