Threshold Requirement definition
Examples of Threshold Requirement in a sentence
For projects meeting the Threshold Requirement set forth in VII.C.4 of the QAP, documentation must be provided to CPED or HRA before a Reservation of HTC will be issued.
Proposals failing to meet any Minimum Threshold Requirement will be rejected.
Review and respond to the Threshold Requirement in Section III.A.3 by providing the pdf received via email from using the mapping tool provided on the FY 2021 NOFO and Funding Information page of the Choice Neighborhoods website ( 7: Eligible Neighborhood Documentation - Substandard Housing, if applicable.
Minimum Threshold Requirement The minimum actual performance level required for a participant to receive incentive compensation is 92.5 percent of the planned Adjusted EBITDA/CTO target goal for The Network or an organizational unit, whichever is applicable to the participant.
If the status of a Capacity/Performance Scorecard Threshold Requirement changes prior to announcement of funding, an Entity may be asked to correct the outstanding issue prior to a funding award.