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PROGRAM POLICY. The Probation Department operates the Voluntary Electronic Monitoring Program (EMP) for the purpose of providing an alternative to incarceration in the County Jail Facilities for sentenced inmates. The program emphasizes public safety, and is designed to relieve jail crowding and provides qualified offenders the opportunity to be contributing members of the community while completing the Court’s sentences. The program is voluntary and inmates are selected with the safety of the community being paramount. While the sentencing Court may recommend, restrict or deny program participation, pursuant to Section 1203.016 P.C. the Chief Probation Officer or designee has the sole discretion to accept an applicant to the EMP. Applicants who are prohibited from EMP services by Court order are ineligible. The Voluntary EMP limits participants to those defined under Section 1203.016 of the Penal Code, who are screened to ensure they meet the program’s selection criteria. EMP is considered constructive custody with the participants being accountable for all of their time, and are required to adhere to the program rules established by the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors upon recommendation of the Probation Department. EMP is 24- hour home detention. Program participants may only leave their residence as approved for work, school, medical and/or dental appointments, and other pre-approved situations.
PROGRAM POLICYDuring the term of this Agreement, commencing July 1, 2011, full-time security and dispatch personnel employed in positions formally recognized by the Union and subject to its exclusive jurisdiction, shall participate in the following Uniform Program: 1. Each new officer/guard/dispatcher shall purchase his/her complete Employer required uniform upon employment. Upon successful completion of six (6) months of service to the Employer, as a member of the bargaining unit, each such officer/guard/dispatcher shall be reimbursed the entire cost of initial uniform issue. 2. Each officer/guard/dispatcher shall report to duty with the Employer in Employer designated, standard uniform in good condition. 3. The Employer shall determine the acceptable state of each Program participant’s uniform and may direct the repair, maintenance or replacement of any participant’s uniform. The Employer shall not unreasonably implement this discretion. 4. All cost of repair, expenses to maintain and replacement costs rest with each Program participant.
PROGRAM POLICYIn consideration of LMC Media’s permitting the cablecast of such a program, the undersigned agrees that he/she: A) Is familiar with the nature of the program material and accepts full responsibility for program content. B) Warrants and represents that the program does not contain: a. Any material that solicits funds for any commercial purpose. b. Any advertising material designed to promote the sale of commercial products or services, including advertising by or on behalf of candidates for public office. c. Any material that is obscene, indecent, or an invasion of privacy. d. Any material concerning lottery information, gift enterprise, or similar schemes. e. Any material that is slanderous, libelous or prohibited by law. f. Any material requiring union, residual, or other payments including but not limited to talent and crew unless those payments have been made or waived or releases have been obtained. g. Any material subject to copyright, ownership, royalty rights or residuals unless releases, licenses or other permissions have been obtained. The undersigned agrees to provide LMC Media with copies of any releases, licenses, or other permissions required under paragraph IV, f and g, hereof. In the event any claim or actions stemming from the telecast or uploading of the program is brought against LMC Media, its directors, officers, employees, or agents, or the Larchmont Mamaroneck Cable TV Board of Control, or municipalities of the Village of Larchmont, Village of Mamaroneck, or the Town of Mamaroneck or any appointed or agent thereof, the undersigned hereby agrees to indemnify and hold them harmless, including all legal fees and expenses involved in defending such claim or action. The undersigned hereby releases LMC Media, its directors, officers, employees, and agents from all claims for damage, loss or theft of the program while in their custody. If the undersigned is an adult taking responsibility for a minor, the adult agrees to allow (minor’s name) to sign all LMC Media forms and agrees to assume responsibility for all obligations laid out in those forms. The undersigned agrees to the fact that LMC Media reserves the right to distribute their program to other access centers for cablecasting in the greater New York area. The undersigned agrees to allow LMC Media to make copies of the program available for interested individuals, unless initialed here to disallow. The undersigned understands that LMC Media is not responsible for archiving a program af...
PROGRAM POLICY. A child may be eligible for the MIHCP if:
PROGRAM POLICY. In order that all contractors of the County of Riverside have a full understanding of the County's position regarding this Section 3 Affirmative Action Plan the following procedures will be initialed:
PROGRAM POLICY. This section deals with certain aspects of HFMI and SNAP policies as they pertain to the HFMI cooperative agreement program. This section also deals with policies regarding the participation of firms (e.g., convenience stores, grocery stores, farmers markets, direct-marketing farmers) in HFMI projects. “
PROGRAM POLICY. I give permission to AoS to sign my child in/out before/after school. I understand that XxX is not responsible for my child while he/she is attending school. I understand that participation in the AoS is conditional and based on my child being able to get along with others and adhere to the rules of the program. Acceptable behavior is required to ensure continued participation throughout the enrollment period. AoS rules align with school and district. If my child is suspended from school, they are also suspended from the AoS. The program reserves the right to deny enrollment into the academy of scholars due to behavioral issues. If disenrollment occurs due to disciplinary issues, a 6-month waiting period must pass before re-enrollment can occur at any AoS sites. If a participant is suspended or expelled from AoS during program hours the parent, guardian or emergency contact will be contacted to pick up my child from the site within 60 minutes. After 60 minutes, I will be charged $1.00 per minute until my child is picked up. A late pick-up fee of $5.00 (per child), per five minute increment, will be charged for children who are still at the program site after 6:00pm.
PROGRAM POLICY. The Child and Youth Programs (CYP) is a supplement and not a substitute for the family. It is the responsibility of the parent to plan for childcare and make childcare arrangements to meet work schedules. Our programs are designed to reduce the stress of families who have the primary responsibility for the health, safety and well-being of their children, while helping them balance the competing demands of family life and the DoD mission. CYP provides access and referrals to available, affordable, quality programs and services that meet the basic needs of children, (from birth through eighteen years of age), in a safe, healthy, and nurturing environment. CYP shall provide parents with opportunities for direct participation in program activities.
PROGRAM POLICY. 4.1 A person who is affected by drugs or alcohol will not be allowed to work until that person is able to do so in a safe manner. 4.2 The decision on a person's ability to work safely will be made by the Manager/Supervisor, in conjunction with a Safety Committee member and a union representative/delegate. 4.3 When an employee is incapable of working in a safe manner, the Manager/Supervisor will assist the employee to find safe transport home. 4.4 Payment of lost time to a person who is unable to work safely (xx Xxxx Leave) will be considered with each case on its individual circumstances. 4.5 If an employee refuses to leave the worksite despite being counselled to do so, the employee may be subject to disciplinary action for misconduct and neglect of duty if, considering all the circumstances, it is considered that the employee has deliberately attempted to work whilst being incapable of performing their normal duties in a safe and efficient manner. 4.6 Following the first occasion of the employee being in an unfit state to work efficiently and safely due to the use of drugs and/or alcohol, an employee will be counselled the following working day; 4.6.1 To clarify the unacceptable behaviour and explain why this is unacceptable; 4.6.2 To establish whether the behaviour was due to intoxication, substance abuse and/or other factors in a person’s life (in which case confidence will be observed); 4.6.3 To recommend assistance. 4.7 The employee will be made aware of the availability of treatment and counselling. Employees will not be discriminated against nor disadvantaged for utilising this service. The worker may refuse help. However, the worker may subsequently then be disciplined/dismissed in the case of particularly serious breaches. 4.8 A worker having problems with alcohol and/or other drugs; 4.8.1 Won't be dismissed on that basis if they are willing to genuinely seek help to remedy the problem. 4.8.2 Must undertake and continue with recommended treatment in accordance with this program with an agreed organisation such as O.C.A.R. (Occupational Consultation, Assessment and Referral Service). 4.8.3 Will be entitled to sick leave or leave without pay (if no sick leave entitlement remains) whilst attending treatment.