Storage Injection Requirements means all volumes required by the Seller for injection into underground storage, including cushion gas, and for liquification, including fuel used for injection and in liquification plants, or for such other storage projects that may be developed expressly for the protection of supply to high priority users.
Storage Injection Requirements means all volumes required by the Seller for injection into underground storage, including cushion gas, and for liquification, including fuel used for injection and in liquiflcation plants, or for such other storage projects that may be developed expressly for the protection of supply to high priority users.
Storage Injection Requirements means all volumes required by the Seller for injection into underground storage, including cushion gas, and for liquification, including fuel used for
More Definitions of Storage Injection Requirements
Storage Injection Requirements meansall volumesrequiredby the Seller for injectionintoundergroundstorage,including cushion gas, and for liquification,includingfuel usedfor injection and in liquificationplants,or forsuchother storageprojectsthat may be developedexpresslyforthe protectionof supplyto high priority users.
Storage Injection Requirements means aU volumes required by the SelJerfor injection into underground storage, including cushion gas, and for liquification, including fuel used for injection and in liquificatlon plants, or for such other storage projects that may be developed expressly for the protection of supply to high priority users.
Storage Injection Requirements means all volumes required by the Seller for Injection into underground slof1tge, Including cushion gas, for liqulflClllion, Including fuel used for Injection and in llquiffcatlon plants, or for such otherstorage projepts tha.t may be developed expressly for the protectisn of supply to htgh.priotlty users.
Storage Injection Requirements sri'll! n\ean all volumes required by the Seller for injection into underground storage, including cushion gas, and fdr liquification, Including fuel used for Injection and in Jiquification plants, o·r forisuch other storage projects that may be developed expressly for the protection of supply to high priority use\"S,
Storage Injection Requirements means all volumes required by the Seller for injection into underground
Storage Injection Requirements means all volumes requit\)d py the !,e/ler far injection into underground storage, including cu.shion gas. ani:I for Hquefaction, including fuel used for injection in liquefaction plants, or far such other storage projects that may be developed expressly for protection ofsupply to high pliority users.
Storage Injection Requirements means <J!l volumas required by the Seller for injection into underground storage, including cushion gas, and for lfquiftcalion, including fuel for Injection andln liquification plants, or for such other storage projects \hal may be developed E)Xpressly for the protection of supply to high priority users.