Examples of Tide gate in a sentence
The actual internal inspection of the outfalls will begin at the Claremont Carteret netting chamber extending downstream to the Tide gate Chamber located in Liberty State Park.
Both of the plans developed for the different deepening alternatives include construction of a diversion feature and closing of the lower arm at McCoy Cut, filling the Sediment Basin to -3.85 m NGVD (National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929), removing the Tide gate and its associated abutments and piers, and closing Rifle Cut.
Tide gate replacement occurred between the 2007 and 2008 data collection periods.
Tide gate restoration projects can be costly and complex to design and implement.
Tide gate replacement (the impact) occurred between 2007 and 2008.
Tide gate management will rehabilitate the existing palustrine emergent wetlands by opening them to a direct tidal influence during higher tidal conditions (e.g., Mean High Water [MHW] or Mean Higher High Water [MHHW]).
Tide gate type evaluation and associated New York – New Jersey Harbor and Tributaries Coastal Storm Risk Management Feasibility Studydetailed design would be completed during the next phases of the study when site-specific parameters are available.
Tide gate operation is currently limited to hours when select EcoServices staff are available, and there are often multiple consecutive days when these staff are not onsite to change the tide gate settings.
Tide gate restoration encompasses projects that remove tide gates, and also projects that replace tide gates with fish-friendly designs.
Tide gate openings occur at the intersection of the two depths during the ebb tide when downstream Water Surface Elevation (WSE) drops below upstream WSE during, creating the hydraulic head necessary to open the gate.