Examples of Tier II values in a sentence
For site-specific criteria that will be applicable inside the Great Lakes System, Tier II values can be calculated using the site-specific data set developed in subsection (e) and the procedures in 327 IAC 2-1.5-12.
If the monthly or daily PEQ exceeds the respective monthly or daily PEL, the commissioner shall generate or require the permittee to generate the data necessary to derive Tier II values for noncancer human health, acute aquatic life, and chronic aquatic life.
Code 302.590 establishes an acceptable additive risk level of one in 100,000 (105) for establishing Tier I criteria and Tier II values for combinations of substances exhibiting a carcinogenic or other nonthreshold toxic mechanism.
In this section, BAFs, rather than BCFs, are used to calculate Tier I criteria for human health and wildlife and Tier II values for human health because they better account for the total exposure of aquatic organisms to chemicals.
TMDLs, WLAs calculated in the absence of a TMDL, and preliminary WLAs must ensure attainment of applicable water quality standards including all numeric and narrative water quality criteria set forth in 327 IAC 2-1.5-8 and 327 IAC 2-1.5-16, and Tier I criteria and Tier II values established under 327 IAC 2-1.5-11 through 327 IAC 2-1.5-16.
The data generated in accordance with section C.1.d of this procedure shall be used in calculating Tier II values as required under section A.1 of this procedure.
As with the use of data on possible human carcinogens in developing Tier I criteria, the decision to use data on possible human carcinogens to derive Tier II values shall be made on a case-by-case basis.
If the PEQ ex- ceeds any of the PELs, the permitting au- thority shall generate or require the per- mittee to generate the data necessary to de- rive Tier II values for noncancer human health, acute aquatic life and chronic aquat- ic life.
The fundamental components of the procedure to calculate Tier I criteria or Tier II values are the same.
When the minimum data for deriving Tier I criteria are not available to meet the Tier I data requirements, a more limited database may be considered for deriving Tier II values.