Time Devoted definition
Examples of Time Devoted in a sentence
Percentage of Time Devoted to Various Activities/Duties Create a table to breakdown the approximate percentage of time you devoted to various activities and duties.Description of Internship Provide a detailed explanation of your internship activities.
Time Devoted To General Reasonableness Showing Requirement Issues: The Commission should also find reasonable the hours that TURN’s attorney and expert witness devoted to efforts on issues associated with the appropriate standards and processes for conducting a reasonableness review under the PSEP circumstances.
Elective Offices 2-201 Elective Officers 2-202 Qualifications 2-203 Official Bonds 2-204 City Business, Time Devoted To 2-205 Oath of Office 2-206 Vacancies in Office, Filling of Vacancies Article 3.
Percentage of Time Devoted to Various Activities/DutiesCreate a table to breakdown the approximate percentage of time you devoted to various activities and duties.Description of Internship Provide a detailed explanation of your internship activities.
Officers and Employees 2-601 Appointive Officers 2-602 Qualifications and Removals 2-603 Subordinate Offices and Employments 2-604 Experts 2-605 Requirements for All Officials 2-606 City Contracts, Interest In 2-607 Appointments 2-608 Salaries 2-609 Bidders, Favoring of 2-610 City Business, Time Devoted To 2-611 Residence of Officials and Employees Article 7.
In addition, the Demand Letter includes an allegation that Paul Amos was aware of and condoned the alleged manipulation of the AWP metric.A. Time Devoted To The Investigation By The Special Committee And Counsel The Special Committee and its counsel spent approximately two months investigating and evaluating the allegations in the Demand Letter.
It is the latter fact that bears on the contention that the nurses’ conduct caused the failure to perform a cesarean.
Time Devoted to Practice RecordingAll of the farmers surveyed record their practices either on paper (54%) or on electronic format (46%).
Panel D: Time Devoted to Leisure measures the number of hours devoted to leisure and personal care in a typical day.
DIRECT EXPENSES: SALARIES & WAGESTitle and/or Type ofPersonnelNumber ofPersonnelAnnual or AverageSalary Range% of Time Devoted toProjectAmount Total Salaries & Wages FRINGE BENEFITSTotal Fringe Benefits Total Salaries, Wages, & Fringe Benefits DIRECT EXPENSES: TRAVEL (include per diem)Number ofTravelersFrom [Date]To [Date]Number of DaysTotal Cost Total Travel Expenses DIRECT EXPENSES: OTHER EXPENSESType of ExpenseAmount Total Other Expenses TOTAL PROJECT EXPENSES 2.