Title XXI definition
Examples of Title XXI in a sentence
Starting in 2013, Title XXI Programs should submit summary level information from the CAHPS survey to CMS via the CARTS attachment facility.
While Title XXI Programs may select any CAHPS survey to fulfill this requirement, CMS encourages these programs to align with the CAHPS measure in the Children’s Core Set of Health Care Quality Measures for Medicaid and CHIP (Child Core Set).
More information is available in the Technical Assistance fact sheet, Collecting and Reporting the CAHPS Survey as Required Under the CHIPRA: https://www.medicaid.gov/medicaid/quality-of- care/downloads/cahpsfactsheet.pdf If a state would like to provide CAHPS data on both Medicaid and CHIP enrollees, the agency must sample Title XIX (Medicaid) and Title XXI (CHIP) programs separately and submit separate results to CMS to fulfill the CHIPRA Requirement.
Tracking a cohort of children enrolled in CHIP (Title XXI) will indicate how long a specific group of children stays enrolled over an 18-month period.
Redetermination is the process of redetermining whether a child is eligible to renew in CHIP (Title XXI) every 12 months.