Toe of slope definition
Examples of Toe of slope in a sentence
Root biomass percent N as a function of forage system (TGP = tallgrass prairie, OWB = Old World Bluestem), slope position (TPS = top of slope, MS = middle of slope, TS = Toe of slope), and sampling period (1, 2, or 3).
The CQA survey will include enough information to confirm that the following features of the landfill or surface impoundment are constructed in accordance with the Construction Drawings: • Toe of slope; • Crest of slope; • Grade breaks; • Anchor trench; • Leachate collection sump Leak detection sump; • Permanent sump (landfills only); and, • Perimeter drainage ditches.
Toe of slope: The point or line of initial break where the terrain changes to an upward direction.
West Top of slope EastControl Control Brooks 1" Brooks 2" McGill 1" McGill 2" Sanford 1" Sanford 2" Raleigh 1" Raleigh 2" Bottom (Toe) of slope Current seeding techniques on slopes of NCDOT - Raleigh Individual plot discussion (see photos attached) Control PlotsThe control plots were seeded with a mixture of warm and cool season grasses (K-31 turf type tall fescue, & Byhalia) and Ceresia Lespedeza, a legume common on the slopes of NCDOT.
Root biomass percent C as a function of forage system (TGP = tallgrass prairie, OWB = Old World Bluestem), slope position (TPS = top of slope, MS = middle of slope, TS = Toe of slope), and sampling period (1, 2, or 3).