Examples of Toll service in a sentence
Toll service must be completely transparent to telephone users, not requiring additional digits for dialing.
Toll service revenues include intrastate, interstate, and international long distance services.
Toll service revenue categories Toll services are telecommunications services, wireline, wireless, or interconnected VoIP services, that enable customers to communicate outside of local exchange calling areas.
End–user prepaid wireless service revenues attributable to airtime should be reported on Line 410.d. Toll service revenue categoriesToll services are telecommunications services, wireline, wireless, or interconnected VoIP services, that enable customers to communicate outside of local exchange calling areas.
Customers selecting the Company’s IntraLATA Toll service and who make interstateintraLATA calls will receive rates for these calls as per AT&T Interstate IntraLATA Toll Services (ITTS) Guidebook, Part 3, Section 4.