Examples of Testing service in a sentence
Testing service may conduct tests to determine adequacy of concrete by cored cylinders complying with ASTM C 42, or by other methods as directed.
Testing service must be in accordance with Springville City standard specifications; Section 1.20.
The arrangements for Test and Trace remain unchanged and are as follows: We recommend that all staff arrange tests for themselves and their household members via the Trust Testing service.
Testing service means an employee’s years of service as defined in the plan for purposes of applying the benefit for- mula under the plan, subject to the re- quirements of paragraph (d)(1)(iv)(B) of this section.
In such situations, the organization requesting the Tests, known as the TA, is responsible for ensuring it is meeting the required TDSSA MLAs. Any such plans by the TA to conduct analyses under the TDSSA should be clearly outlined within a Testing service agreement.