Topping definition

Topping means the severing of main trunks or stems of vegetation at any place above 25 percent of the vegetation height.
Topping means the cutting back of limbs to stubs within the tree's crown, to such a degree as to remove the normal canopy and disfigure the tree; or the cutting back of limbs or branches to lateral branches that are less than one-half ( 1/2) of the diameter of the limb or branch that is cut.
Topping means the inappropriate pruning practice used to reduce tree height by cutting to a predetermined crown limit without regard to tree health or structural integrity. Topping does not include acceptable pruning practices as described in the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) "A-300 Pruning Standards" and companion "Best Management Practices for Tree Pruning" published by the International Society of Arboriculture, such as crown reduction, utility pruning, or crown cleaning to remove a safety hazard, dead or diseased material. Topping is considered "removal".

Examples of Topping in a sentence

  • Topping is defined as the severe cutting back of limbs to stubs larger than three inches in diameter within the tree’s crown to such a degree so as to remove the normal canopy and disfigure the tree.

  • Your Agreement dated-------dated ******Pursuant to your furnishing the requisite Security Deposit as stipulated in ITB clause 30 and signing of the contract agreement for the work of Improvement/Laying of Cement Concrete Roads and Black Topping of roads using Paver Machines (Package No: ---) @ a Bid Price of Rs.——————, you are hereby instructed to proceed with the execution of the said works in accordance with the contract terms and conditions.

  • Topping is defined as the severe cutting back of limbs to stubs larger than three inches in diameter within the tree's crown to such a degree so as to remove the normal canopy and disfigure the tree.

  • Topping of trees is permitted only under recommendation of a certified arborist, or other qualified professional, if required by city staff.

  • No.----------------- ————— (date)Sub:- “Special Road Programme 2010-11” - “Improvement/Laying of Cement Concrete Roads and Black Topping of roads using Paver Machines(Package No: -----) – issuing of notice to proceed with the work-Regarding.Ref:- 1.Your Tender dated on 01.11.102Town Panchayat Council Resolution No. ----------dated----------3.

More Definitions of Topping

Topping means using inappropriate pruning techniques to reduce tree size that may result in unnecessary risk, tree stress, or decay.
Topping means the cutting back of limbs to stubs within the tree's crown, to such a
Topping means the severe cutting back of limbs to stubs larger than three inches in diameter within the tree’s crown to such a degree so as to remove the normal tree canopy and disfigure the tree.
Topping means the severe cutting back of the main stem and/or limbs to buds, stubs, or laterals large enough to assure terminal role within the tree’s crown to such a degree as to remove the normal canopy and disfigure the tree.
Topping. Means the same as cut back.
Topping means cutting the top main trunk of a tree.
Topping means removing no more than 30% of the total height of a tree. Removal of suckers and broken, split, dead or diseased tops or branches is not considered tree removal or topping.