Total fund balance definition

Total fund balance means the sum of the unencumbered 13
Total fund balance means the sum of the unencumbered 49

Examples of Total fund balance in a sentence

  • Net Position of Governmental Activities Total fund balance of the District’s governmental funds differs from “net position” of governmental activities reported in the Statement of Net Position.

  • Unassigned Fund Balance –• Residual net resources• Total fund balance in the General Fund in excess of nonspendable, restricted, committed and assigned fund balance (surplus).• Excess of nonspendable, restricted, and committed fund balance over total fund balance (deficit).

  • Total fund balance and the net change in fund balance of the Library’s General Fund differs from net assets and change in net assets of the governmental activities reported in the statement of net assets and statement of activities.

  • Total fund balance as percent of6/30/13Actuals6/30/14Projectedoperating revenues ................................

  • Total fund balance decreased by $14.0 million primarily due to the write off of loans receivable from the dissolved RDA.

  • Total fund balance has increased by$198,265 from $167,109 to $365,374.

  • Total fund balance as of June 30, 2021 is $365,374 of which all can be used for any purpose (unrestricted).

  • Total fund balance increased by $13.2 million for the 2010-11 fiscal year compared to an increase of $10.9 million for the 2009-10 fiscal year.

  • Total fund balance of the City’s general fund increased by $2,383,602.

  • Total fund balance of $129,716.00 of this, $47,332.00 is restricted for Highway expenditures, leaving an accumulated General Fund balance of$82,384.00 for cash flow.* Legal Services RFP Agreements: Contracts have been executed.* Four Winds Program Facility Use Agreement: Follow up – FUA signed by PrES principal.* Meeting with Sheriff’s Office Holiday Car Break-ins: Meet with RCSD, the RCSD is following up on break-ins.

More Definitions of Total fund balance

Total fund balance means the sum of the unencumbered 20
Total fund balance means the sum of the unencumbered 22
Total fund balance means the sum of the unencumbered 77
Total fund balance means the sum of the unencumbered 17