Total Seedlings per Acre definition

Total Seedlings per Acre means the estimated number of Seedlings to be planted per acre, averaged over an entire Unit, or a contiguous area within a Unit. This number varies between Units, and is listed in the Unit Description (Section II-A).

Examples of Total Seedlings per Acre in a sentence

  • If multiple species are to be planted over a Unit, or a contiguous area within a Unit, then the sum of all the Seedlings per Acre by Species will equal the Total Seedlings per Acre.

  • Example: Total Seedlings per Acre = 500 and 20% of the Inspection Plot is Unplantable.

  • If only one species is to be planted over a Unit, or a contiguous area within a Unit, this number is the same as the Total Seedlings per Acre.

  • Average Spacing‘Average Spacing’ means the average distance (in feet) between planted Seedlings in the Unit, that will result in the correct number of Total Seedlings per Acre after planting, when Seedlings are planted in a grid pattern.

  • The number of ‘Expected Planting Spots’ is calculated for each Inspection Plot by dividing the Total Seedlings per Acre (from the Unit Description, Section II-A) by 50 and rounding to the nearest whole number.

  • The number of ‘Expected Planting Spots’ is calculated for each Inspection Plot by dividing the Total Seedlings per Acre (from the Unit Description, Section II-A) by the inverse of the plot size being used for compliance (e.g, divide by 50 if using 1/50th acres plots) and rounding to the nearest whole number.

  • If only onespecies is to be planted over a Unit, or a contiguous area within a Unit, this number is the same as the Total Seedlings per Acre.

  • Example: Total Seedlings per Acre = 400 and 25% of the Inspection Plot is Unplantable.

  • Average Spacing‘Average Spacing’ means the average distance (in feet) between planted Seedlings in the Unit, that will result in the correct number of Total Seedlings per Acre after planting, when Seedlings are planted in a grid pattern.Average spacing may be different for each unit, or for contiguous areas within a Unit, therefore Seedlings will be planted over the Unit at the Average Spacing listed in the Unit Description (Section II-A).

  • The following 6 interview questions formed part of the interview guide and are posed to each participant: 1.

Related to Total Seedlings per Acre

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