Lead planning agency means one or more public entities having stormwater management planning authority designated by the regional stormwater management planning committee pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:8-3.2, that serves as the primary representative of the committee.
Regional health planning agency means the regional agency, including the regional health planning
Stormwater management planning agency means a public body authorized by legislation to prepare stormwater management plans.
CAFRA Planning Map means the map used by the Department to identify the location of Coastal Planning Areas, CAFRA centers, CAFRA cores, and CAFRA nodes. The CAFRA Planning Map is available on the Department's Geographic Information System (GIS).
local planning authority in relation to an area means⎯
Municipal Planning Tribunal means the Municipal Planning Tribunal for the municipal area established in terms of section 33, the joint Municipal Planning Tribunal established in terms of section 45 or the District Municipal Planning Tribunal established in terms of section 49;
Public safety agency means a functional division of a public agency, county, or the state that provides fire fighting, law enforcement, ambulance, medical, or other emergency services.
relevant planning authority means the district planning authority for the area in which the land to which the relevant provision of this Order applies is situated;
Cooperating agency means any Federal agency other than a lead agency which has jurisdiction by law or special expertise with respect to any environmental impact involved in a proposal (or a reasonable alternative) for legislation or other major Federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment. The selection and responsibilities of a cooperating agency are described in Sec. 1501.6. A State or local agency of similar qualifications or, when the effects are on a reservation, an Indian Tribe, may by agreement with the lead agency become a cooperating agency.
Host agency means a public agency, private nonprofit organization, or private sector employer, other than a political party, exempt from taxation under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, which provides a training site and supervision for a participant.
town planning scheme means the City of Rockingham Town Planning Scheme made under the Town Planning and Development Act 1928.
Metropolitan planning organization means the same as that term is defined in Section 72-1-208.5.
State education agency means the department.
Approved abuse education training program means a training program using a curriculum approved by the abuse education review panel of the department of public health or a training program offered by a hospital, a professional organization for physicians, or the department of human services, the department of education, an area education agency, a school district, the Iowa law enforcement academy, an Iowa college or university, or a similar state agency.
Planning Authority means the responsible entity that coordinates and integrates transmission facility and service plans, resource plans, and protection systems.
escort agency means a person or business association who furnishes, offers to furnish, or advertises to furnish escorts as one of its primary business purposes for a fee, tip, or other consideration.
Health planning region means a contiguous geographical area of the Commonwealth with a
Municipal Political Party Committee means a committee organized pursuant to N.J.S.A. 19:5-2.
the Planning Acts means the Town and Country Planning Xxx 0000 and the other enactments defined as the “Planning Acts” in Section 336 of the Town and Country Planning Xxx 0000 and every other enactment relating to the use development and occupation of land and buildings for the time being in force
Service agency means the public agency, the State or any local government unit or special purpose district which has the authority to provide police, fire fighting, medical or other emergency services, which has requested the local telephone company to provide an E911 Telecommunications Service for the purpose of voice-reporting emergencies by the public.
Certifying agency means the division of vocational rehabilitation of the department of education.
Public agency means the state or any local subdivision thereof, or any state or local department, agency, board or commission.
Public safety officer means a member serving a public
Planning Commission means the Planning Commission of the City.
National Flood Insurance Program means the program created by the U.S. Congress pursuant to the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 and the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973, as revised by the National Flood Insurance Reform Act of 1994, that mandates the purchase of flood insurance to cover real property improvements located in Special Flood Hazard Areas in participating communities and provides protection to property owners through a Federal insurance program.
Health Agency means the California Department of Health Services, or the local health officer with respect to a small water system.