Examples of Trade Commitments in a sentence
Upon request of the Parent Borrower, each Extending Lender may, by written notice to the Parent Borrower, the Administrative Agent and the Foreign Trade Facility Agent, increase its Foreign Trade Commitment to an amount agreed with the Parent Borrower, provided that the aggregate amount of the Foreign Trade Commitments of all Foreign Issuing Lenders following such increase does not exceed an amount equal to the amount of the Foreign Trade Facility at the time the relevant Extension Notice is given.
Clifford, China and the WTO: Changing China, Changing World Trade (Singapore: John Wiley & Sons (Asia) Pte Ltd, 2002).South China Morning Post Internet Edition, "Beijing to OpenSector Earlier Than Promised," 6 Jan 2000.United States General Accounting Office Report, World Trade Organization: Status of China's Trade Commitments to the United States and Other Members, May 2000.
Vendors are permitted to apply for VOR Arrangements without pricing in accordance with the applicable Trade Commitments.
United States General Accounting Office Report, World Trade Organization: Status of China's Trade Commitments to the United States and Other Members, May 2000.
Trade Commitments Remaining Allocated Volume (incl Carry ov er) Urban and Env ironment Storage and Riv er Losses Volume Below Minimum Operating Lev el Available Resources Forecast Inflow s Water in Store Loddon SystemBreakdown of Water in Store and Commitments: Terms and Definitions Water in Storage: The volume of water held in Cairn Curran, Laanecoorie and Tullaroop reservoirs.Forecast Inflows: The volume of forecast inflows in tributaries above the three Loddon storages that are yet to flow into storage.
Remaining Allocated Volume (incl Carry ov er)20 Urban & Env ironment Gigalitres (GL)15 Trade Commitments Storage and Riv er Losses 10Volume Below Minimum Operating Lev el Available Resources5Forecast Inflow s 0Available Resources Remaining CommitmentsWater in Storage Broken SystemBreakdown of Water in Store and Commitments: Terms and Definitions Water in Storage: The volume of water held in Lake Nillahcootie.
Compliance with Trade Commitments and the Implementation of Regulatory Best Practice in the Telecommunications Sector, Final Report, February 2015.21.
Supplement to the Goulburn Commitments for 2012/13 Urban and Env ironment Remaining Allocated Volume (incl Carry ov er) Trade Commitments Channel Distribution Losses to 15 May 2012 Storage and Riv er Losses Volume Below Minimum Operating Lev el Available Resources G-MW Share of Forecast Inflow s G-MW Share of Lake Eppalock Campaspe System Breakdown of Water in Store and Commitments: Terms and Definitions G-MW Share of Lake Eppalock: The volume of water held by G-MW in Lake Eppalock.
To the extent that IO is not bound by, or is otherwise exempted from, applicable Trade Commitments, but IO is undertaking a procurement on behalf of, as co-Sponsor with, or as agent for, another public body that is bound by (and not exempted from) the same applicable Trade Commitments, IO shall, in undertaking the procurement, adhere to the applicable requirements of the applicable Trade Commitments to which the public body is bound.
NFAP Policy Brief, National Foundation for American Policy, June 2014 and Jochum Shore & Trossevin, Legal Analysis: Proposed Changes to Skilled Worker Visa Laws Likely to Violate Major U.S. Trade Commitments, National Foundation for American Policy, June 2010.