Examples of Traded sector in a sentence
However, this is within the likely margin of error and could provide flexibility to deal with uncertainties including the pace and cost at which low-carbon measures can be delivered, how the UK population and economy will grow and how these will translate to energy demand and emissions.– Traded sector (i.e. emissions from those sectors of the economy covered by the EU ETS – power generation and energy-intensive industry).
Traded sector emissions reductions lead to a reduction in UK territorial greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, but do not constitute an overall net reduction in global emissions since the emissions will be transferred elsewhere to member countries in the EU-ETS.
The proposed project support these sectors by providing low-carbon alternate transportation 7 Traded sector industries as indicated in the Economic Value Atlas, available at: oregonmetro.gov/tools-partners/guides-and- tools/economic-value-atlas8 Clean Technology industry sectors as defined in the Oregon Business Plan, https://oregonbusinessplan.org/about-the- plan/industry-clusters/ connections to these business hubs.
Traded sector is defined in Oregonstatute as industries in which member firms sell their goods or services into markets for which national or international competition exists.• Applicant must be an Oregon-based organization.
Aviation emissions are therefore partly within the traded sector (i.e. covered by the EU ETS) and partly within the non-traded sector (outside the EU ETS):• Traded sector.
Traded sector is relatively more capital intensive than the non-traded sector and the competition in the international market for capital goods lowers the price of capital, which promotes the capital accumulation process.
Traded sector emissions reductions lead to a reduction in UK territorial greenhouse gas emissions, but do not constitute an overall net reduction in global emissions since the emissions will be transferred elsewhere to member countries in the EU-ETS.
Traded sector stability is achieved balancingthe adverse effects of having a long forecast-targeting horizon with the adverse effects caused by a volatile monetary policy when having a short forecast-targeting horizon, pointing to some intermediate forecast-targeting horizon.The last column of Table 4 shows the coefficient of autocorrelation between the traded and non-traded sectors.
Traded sector volatility is high compared to most of the standard rules considered in this paper.
Traded sector industries export a portion of their goods and services beyond the metropolitan region which bring in outside income that can be used for further investment.