In all cases Sample Clauses
In all cases if the student is the victim of a workplace accident during his internship, the host organization must immediately notify the educational institution of the accident; • if the student performs limited assignments outside of the host organization or outside of the internship country, the host organization must take all necessary steps to provide him with the appropriate insurance.
In all cases if the student is the victim of a workplace accident during his internship, the host organization must immediately notify the educational institution of the accident; • if the student performs limited assignments outside of the host organization or outside of the internship country, the host organization must take all necessary steps to provide him with the appropriate insurance. • si l’étudiant est victime d’un accident de travail durant le stage, l’organisme d’accueil doit impérativement signaler immédiatement cet accident à l’établissement d’enseignement ; • si l’étudiant remplit des missions limitées en-dehors de l’organisme d’accueil ou en-dehors du pays du stage, l’organisme d’accueil doit prendre toutes les dispositions nécessaires pour lui fournir les assurances appropriées.
In all cases. Custodian’s liability under this Agreement shall be limited to the resulting direct loss, if any, incurred by Principal. Under no circumstances shall Custodian be liable for any incidental, consequential, indirect, punitive, or special damage which Principal may incur or suffer in connection with this Agreement.
In all cases. (i) The employee may choose to have the attendance(s) credited to an
In all cases. 9.5.1 The FLO should also consider the need to inform the Board, the Counter Fraud Champion (CFC), the Finance Director, the Chief Internal Auditor or External Audit of the reported incident. In doing so, cognisance should be taken of the following guidance:
9.5.2 In all cases where fraud, embezzlement, bribery, corruption or systematic thefts are suspected, it is essential that there is the earliest possible consultation with Counter Fraud Services, who should be contacted immediately by the FLO. Counter Fraud Services will then advise if Police Scotland need also be involved.
9.5.3 In any event, Counter Fraud Services should be contacted before any overt action is taken which may alert suspects and precipitate the destruction or removal of evidence. This includes taking action to stop a loss or tighten controls.
9.5.4 Inform and consult the Finance Director and the Chief Executive at the first opportunity in all cases where the loss may exceed the delegated limit (or such lower limit as the Board may determine) or where the incident may lead to adverse publicity.
9.5.5 All such contact should be formally recorded in the Log. It should be noted that staff who wish to raise concerns about unprofessional behaviour or decisions (where fraud, embezzlement, bribery, corruption or systematic theft are not suspected) should do so by following the guidance contained in the Board’s Whistleblowing Policy. Following investigation of the complaint, if improper practices or criminal offences are suspected, the matter should be referred by the investigating officer, to the Fraud Liaison Officer.
In all cases. if the student suffers a work accident during the work placement, the host organisation must report the accident to the educational institution immediately; if the student performs limited missions outside the host organisation or outside the country of the work placement, the host organisation must take all necessary steps to provide him/her with the appropriate insurance. Article 7 -
In all cases. (i) The employee may choose to have the attendance(s) credited to an individual TOIL “bank”. When that “bank” has accumulated to eight (8) hours the employee may apply for one day shift off in lieu (i.e. each eight
In all cases. Custodian’s liability under this Agreement shall be limited to the resulting direct loss, if any, incurred by a Fund. Under no circumstances shall Custodian be liable for any incidental, consequential, indirect, punitive, or special damage which a Fund may incur or suffer in connection with this Agreement.
In all cases where an employee who has acquired seniority with the Employer is discharged or suspended the Employer shall notify the Union. The Union or the employee who has acquired with the Employer who believes he has been unjustly discharged suspended may within five (5) working days of notice of discharge or suspension file a grievance at Step with the Transportation Manager and the grievance shall be dealt with in with Step and the balance of the Grievance Procedure. The Employer agrees that where meetings are held with employees who have acquired with the Employer, which impiement discharge or suspension, employee has the right to have the .,delegate or alternat8 present if he so desires. An employee who has acquired seniority with the Employer who discharged or suspended shall also be given a reasonable opportunity to an interview w i t h his delegate or alternate before leaving the Employer's premises, unless it is necessary, because of the giving rise to his discharge including, but not limited to, circumstances such as safety, drunkenness, .fighting, theft other similar serious matter to require the expulsion of the employee from the premises. All warnings shall be given in writing: Any warning or disciplinary action shall be removed from an employee's record three (3) years from the date of issue. Where a suspension or discharge grievance is not settled 'and becomes the subject matter of an arbitration, the Arbitrator may substitute such other penalty for the discharge or suspension as to the Arbitrator seems just reasonable in all the circumstances.