Transport system definition

Transport system means a railway, a tramway, or any other system using guided transport where that other system is used wholly or mainly for the carriage of passengers but a transport system does not include—
Transport system means any of the following—
Transport system means a railway, a tramway, a trolley vehicle system or any other system using guided transport except that it does not include a guided bus system or any part of any of those systems which—;”; and

Examples of Transport system in a sentence

  • INDIA – Physiography- States and its features, Northern Mountain Region, Rivers, Northern Great Plain, Peninsular Plateau, Coastal Plain, Climate – Natural Vegetation - Agriculture – Minerals and Industries- Energy Sources, Transport system – Road- Water- Railways- Air.

  • This is further supplemented by the drawdown of Government grants to support Subsidised Bus, Metro and the wider Transport system.

  • The modifications that would be required to the Travel & Transport system to enable online reservations to automatically link to SAP are prohibitive relative to the number of travelers who typically book online.

  • MiscellaneousAs a Special Constable for the British Transport Police, I am entitled to use my warrant card to travel on the London Transport system.

  • Transport system is the most important economic activity among the components of business logistics systems.

More Definitions of Transport system

Transport system mainly means a railway (mainline or non-mainline), a tramway, or any other guided transport system used completely or mainly to carry passengers. The exceptions to this are listed in regulation 2 of ROGS.
Transport system means any and all piping, fittings, valves, and equipment on a transport, excluding the container.
Transport system means the pipelines and related structures, excluding any pump stations, used to transport effluent from the Union Effluent Pump Station to the Marina Dechlorination Facility, as shown in Schedule G.
Transport system means all the components which make up the system for the movement of persons and goods including—
Transport system mainly means a railway (mainline or non-mainline), a tramway, or any other guided transport system used completely or mainly to carry passengers. Guided buses and trolley buses are excluded from ROGS. The other excluded systems are listed in regulation 2 of ROGS.
Transport system means a railway, tramway or trolley vehicle system or a system using a mode of guided transport prescribed by an order made under section 2;
Transport system. (s)”. The term “Transport System(s)” shall mean the pipeline system of Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company and, subject to mutual agreement, all other pipeline systems connected to the Plant or residue gas lines from the Plant that are used to transport Residue Gas.