Examples of Effluent pump in a sentence
The use of fast-track session establishment gives savings in handshake band- width and flows, but does not provide a significant computational speedup rela- tive to ordinary TLS handshakes.
Effluent pump selection for soil absorption systems using pressure distribution shall be based on the manufacturer's pump curves for the required pump discharge rate at the total head imposed on the pump.
This is not carried out on statutory holidays such as Canada Day weekend but seems to be random.I have also had trespassers going through our property on a number of occasions despite having no hunting or trespassing signs posted and even as far as beware of dog signage posted.There needs to be some sort of bylaw or other that we as residents can have in order to protect the tranquility that this area offers.
SUMPS AND PUMPS Effluent pump systems may be considered when they offer a better alternative for the protection of public health and safety, when they are an integral part of the treatment or dispersal system chosen, or are the only means to utilize a dispersal area situated at an elevation higher than the structure or septic tank.
Effluent pump systems may be considered when they offer a better alternative for the protection of public health and safety or the only safe opportunity for effluent distribution within a parcel.
Proposals must address all three program phases, to include full technical and cost information.
Effluent pump shafts and the pump’s fasteners shall be constructed of corrosion proof material such as stainless steel or PVC.
Effluent pump systems may be considered when they offer a better alternative for the protection of public health and safety, when they are an integral part of the treatment or dispersal system chosen, or are the only means to utilize a dispersal area situated at an elevation higher than the structure or septic tank.
In a facility pumps may be used at various locations, such as follows:• Lift stations,• Influent pump station,• Pumps used at various locations within the treatment plant,• Effluent pump station.Treatment: Various processes in wastewater treatment consume large amounts of energy.
Note: "RE pump station" refers to the Recycled Effluent pump station located downstream of the UV disinfection system and is used to supply the farmer and the sewage treatment plant with treated water.