Examples of Ultimate Parent Bank in a sentence
The consolidated financial statements of ANZ New Zealand comprise the financial statements of the NZ Branch and all the New Zealand businesses of all the subsidiaries of the Ultimate Parent Bank (those entities where it is determined that the Ultimate Parent Bank has capacity to control).
The Ultimate Parent Bank Group refers to the Ultimate Parent Bank and its subsidiaries.
While RBNZ requires the Ultimate Parent Bank to comply with the minimum capital adequacy requirements as administered by APRA, there are no regulatory capital requirements that apply specifically to the NZ Branch or ANZ New Zealand.MANAGED CAPITALThe Banking Group is subject to its own regulatory capital requirements as administered by RBNZ.
The principal office and place of business outside New Zealand, and address for service of the Ultimate Parent Bank, is ANZ Centre, Melbourne, Level 9, 833 Collins Street, Docklands, Victoria 3008, Australia.Subordination of claims of creditorsCertain creditors of the Ultimate Parent Bank are given a statutory priority under Australian law.
Further, the Bank did not exercise its option to convert ANZ NZ CN into ordinary shares of the Ultimate Parent Bank on the Optional Exchange Date.
The Banking Group’s ICAAP is subject to independent and periodic review.REGULATORY ENVIRONMENTThe Ultimate Parent Bank is a registered bank in New Zealand, and conducts business in New Zealand through the NZ Branch.
GENERAL DISCLOSURES (UNAUDITED)Details of registered bank, ultimate parent bank and ultimate holding companyThe registered bank, which is also the ultimate parent bank and ultimate parent holding company, is Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (Ultimate Parent Bank).
ANZ Capital Notes 3 (ANZ CN3) rank equally with other additional tier 1 capital instruments issued by the Ultimate Parent Bank.
The Bank charges the Ultimate Parent Bank a fee for this service.
The Ultimate Parent Bank provides a counter-guarantee or standby letter of credit to the Bank, giving the Bank recourse directly to the Ultimate Parent Bank if the guarantee or standby letter of credit the Bank provides in respect of the customer's obligations is called upon.