Unallowable cost definition

Unallowable cost means any cost that, under the provi- sions of any pertinent law, regulation, or contract, cannot be included in prices, cost-reimbursements, or settlements under a Government contract to which it is allocable.
Unallowable cost has the same meaning as in 44 Ill. Admin. Code 7000.
Unallowable cost means a cost specified by law or regulation, federal cost principles, or the terms and conditions of an award that may not be reimbursed under a grant or cooperative agreement.

Examples of Unallowable cost in a sentence

  • Unallowable cost: “Printing,” is utilizing a professional printing service to make a color or black and white digital printing for high quality brochures and professional looking manuals.

  • Unallowable cost items include, but are not limited to, the following: • Lobbying.

  • Unallowable cost refers to a cost that does not satisfy the allowability criteria described in Section 3.1, General Allowability Factors, in this Attachment.

  • The determination is based upon actu- al use of funds and not solely upon the name given to an expense.14.48(2) Unallowable cost.

  • Monthly actual results are reported against budget and revised forecasts for the year are prepared quarterly.

More Definitions of Unallowable cost

Unallowable cost. ’ means any cost which, under the pro- visions of any pertinent law, regulation, or contract, cannot be included in prices, cost reimbursements, or settlement under a Government contract to which it is allocable.
Unallowable cost means any cost which, under the provisions of any per- tinent law, regulation, or contract, cannot be included in prices, cost reim- bursements, or settlements under a Government contract to which it is al- locable.(b) The following modifications of terms defined elsewhere in this chapter99 are applicable to this Standard: None.9905.505–40 Fundamental require- ment.
Unallowable cost means any cost which, under the provisions of any per- tinent law, regulation, or contract, cannot be included in prices, cost reim- bursements, or settlements under a Government contract to which it is al- locable.
Unallowable cost means any cost which, under the provi- sions of any pertinent law, regulation, or contract, cannot be
Unallowable cost means any costwhich, under the provisions of any pertinent law, regulation, or sponsored agreement,cannot be included in prices, costreimbursements, or settlements under a Government sponsored agreement to which it is allocable.Fundamental Requirement
Unallowable cost and means any cost that, under the provisions of any pertinent law, regulation, or contract, cannot be included in prices, cost- reimbursements, or settlements under a Government contract or grant to which it is allocable.10
Unallowable cost means (as used in this Agreement) any cost incurred by GA in connection with the Project (including for payments to any subrecipient or subcontractor on the Project, and including any cost incurred in connection with the Project prior to the date of the Cooperative Agreement) that is not allowable under FAR Part 31 and applicable DOE cost principles.