Unauthorized Occupant definition

Unauthorized Occupant means any person who has encroached upon or taken possession of any immovable property of a migrant without his written consent and authority of law.
Unauthorized Occupant means a person whose allotment is no longer valid under these rules.
Unauthorized Occupant means an individual who is not authorized to reside in public housing or who is not on the lease for the public housing unit as those terms and conditions are set forth by the United States Housing Act of 1937, 42 U.S.C. 1437a, federal regulations governing the program, and the public housing authority's general admissions and occupancy policies.

Examples of Unauthorized Occupant in a sentence

  • Regular acceptance of mail at the Premises for any person not listed as a Resident on this lease agreement shall be deemed as indicating an Unauthorized Occupant is living in the unit.

  • This preference applies to taxpayers other than integrated oil companies only to the extent that the failure to apply the preference would result in a reduction of the taxpayer’s alternative minimum taxable income by more than 40 percent.

  • Landlord has the right to require proof of domicile (as determined by Landlord) of the Resident's guest if they are suspected of being an Unauthorized Occupant.

  • If a Guest is needed temporarily by the Resident during incapacitation of the Resident due to sickness or recovery, the Resident should obtain written approval from Landlord prior to allowing the Guest to stay in the unit, so that the Guest will not be considered an Unauthorized Occupant of the unit.

  • If the Resident allows re-occurring visits of more than 7 days and/or nights in a 12-week period without Landlord prior written approval, the Resident can be considered allowing an Unauthorized Occupant.

  • A Guest should not be confused with an Unauthorized Occupant (see below).

  • The calculation of MDLs by the CFR procedure may not be adequate for toxaphene and chlordane because they require pattern or peak profile recognition for identification.

  • Any Occupant, Guest, Visitor, Live-In Caregiver, Unauthorized Occupant, or anyone else found in the unit after the Tenant moves out will be:  Ineligible for receipt of the household's RGI subsidy, and  Identified as trespassing, and ehm will reclaim the unit.

  • An Unauthorized Occupant has no lawful authority to be at a ehm residential complex and has no rights to the rental unit in question.

  • That the allotment is made on the license basis and the licensed premises including the building constructed thereon will be public premises with the meaning of Public Premises (Eviction of Un-authorized Occupant Act, 1971 or such acts as may be in force from time to time in this behalf.

Related to Unauthorized Occupant

  • Authorized occupant means a person entitled to occupy a dwelling unit with the consent of the

  • Unauthorized Use means either of the following:

  • Unauthorized Gas means (a) the quantity of gas taken by Customer exceeding the amount which is permitted during a Period of Interruption or (b) the difference (whether positive or negative) between the quantity of gas taken by Customer and the volumes provided for under an Operational Flow Order.

  • Occupant means any person or persons over the age of eighteen years in possession of the property.

  • Unauthorized alien means an alien as defined in Section 1324a(h)(3) of Title 8 of the United States Code.

  • Permitted Occupier means if used in the Agreement, any person who is licensed or permitted by the Landlord to reside at the Property together with the Tenant and who does so as a rent free licensee of the Tenant.

  • Unauthorized signature means one made without actual, implied, or apparent authority and includes a forgery.

  • Unauthorized Access means the entrance of a person into a restricted area without permission of the operator or the operator’s designated representative.

  • Unauthorised expenditure , means any expenditure incurred by a municipality otherwise than in accordance with section 15 or 11(3) of the MFMA, and includes-

  • Unauthorized person means any person who accesses government data without a work assignment that reasonably requires access, or regardless of the person's work assignment, for a purpose not described in the procedures required by section 13.05, subdivision 5.

  • Unauthorized Code means any virus, Trojan horse, worm or other software routines or equipment components whose effect is to permit unauthorized access or to disable, erase or otherwise harm software, equipment or data, or to perform any other actions not authorized by Customer.

  • Prior Occupancy means Owner’s use of all or parts of the Project before Substantial Completion, as more fully set forth in Section 6.08 A.

  • bicycle parking space – occupant means an area that is equipped with a bicycle rack or locker for the purpose of parking and securing bicycles, and:

  • Unauthorized insurer means an insurance institution that has not been granted a certificate of authority by the commissioner to transact the business of insurance in this state."

  • Transient occupancy means occupancy in transient lodging that has all of the following

  • unauthorised transaction means a transaction that is not authorised by a user

  • Unauthorized Removal means the Contractor’s removal of Key Personnel without the prior written consent of the State.

  • Child-occupied facility means a building or portion of a building constructed prior to 1978, visited regularly by the same child, age six years or younger on at least two different days within any week (Sunday through Saturday period), provided that each day’s visit lasts at least three hours and the combined weekly visit lasts at least six hours, and the combined annual visits last at least 60 hours. Child-occupied facilities may include, but are not limited to, day-care centers, preschools and kindergarten classrooms.

  • Single Room Occupancy or “SRO” means housing consisting of single room dwelling units that is the primary residence of its occupant or occupants. An SRO does not include facilities for students.

  • Owner-occupied means property that is the principal

  • Tenant Party means any of the following persons: Tenant; any assignees claiming by, through, or under Tenant; any subtenants claiming by, through, or under Tenant; and any of their respective agents, contractors, employees, licensees, guests and invitees.

  • Occupancy means the use or intended use of a building or part thereof for the shelter or support of persons, animals or property.

  • Unauthorized disclosure or "unauthorized release" means any disclosure or release not permitted by federal or state statute or regulation, any lawful contract or written agreement, or that does not respond to a lawful order of a court or tribunal or other lawful order.

  • Needs Improvement the Educator’s performance on a standard or overall is below the requirements of a standard or overall, but is not considered to be unsatisfactory at this time. Improvement is necessary and expected.  Unsatisfactory: the Educator’s performance on a standard or overall has not significantly improved following a rating of needs improvement, or the Educator’s performance is consistently below the requirements of a standard or overall and is considered inadequate, or both.

  • Ready for Occupancy means the date upon which (i) the Leased Premises are available for Tenant's occupancy in a broom clean condition and (ii) the improvements, if any, to be made to the Leased Premises by Landlord as a condition to Tenant's obligation to accept possession of the Leased Premises have been substantially completed and the appropriate governmental building department (i.e., the City building department, if the Property is located within a City, or otherwise the County building department) shall have approved the construction of such improvements as substantially complete or is willing to so approve the construction of the improvements as substantially complete subject only to compliance with specified conditions which are the responsibility of Tenant to satisfy or is willing to allow Tenant to occupy subject to its receiving assurances that specified work will be completed.

  • Licensed Space means the indoor and outdoor space on the premises approved by the department for the purpose of providing licensed child care.