unauthorised transaction definition

unauthorised transaction means a transaction that is not authorised by a user
unauthorised transaction means a Payment Transaction that You, or an Authorised User, has not given its consent to be executed.
unauthorised transaction means any transaction made without your knowledge or consent.

More Definitions of unauthorised transaction

unauthorised transaction means a Transaction or other drawing on your Account which was not made or authorised by You or a Cardholder under these terms and conditions or in accordance with Clause 3 of the Card Issuer’s Terms and Conditions of Use.
unauthorised transaction means a Payment Transaction that You, or a User, has not given due consent to be executed; and
unauthorised transaction. – means any Transaction using the Card by any person other than you or any Additional Cardholder;
unauthorised transaction means a transaction not authorised by you, but does not include any transaction carried out by you or by anyone performing the transaction with your knowledge or consent.
unauthorised transaction and “Unauthorised Account Access” has the meaning assigned to them in section 13 of this Agreement.
unauthorised transaction means any EFT transaction where:
unauthorised transaction means an ANZ Travel Account transaction which has been processed to the ANZ Travel Account but was not authorised in any way by the Authorised User.