Uncontaminated Groundwater definition

Uncontaminated Groundwater means water removed from excavation or pumped from an aquifer for dewatering purposes. The water is considered uncontaminated if there is no groundwater contamination within 1,000 feet of the discharge. Suspended solids and turbidity are not sources of contamination for the purposes of this definition but the excavation dewatering discharge must be treated as necessary to remove suspended solids and turbidity to prevent any violation of water quality standards.
Uncontaminated Groundwater means water that is potable for humans, meets the narrative water quality standards in subrule 567-61.3(2) of the Iowa Administrative Code, contains no more than half the listed concentration of any pollutants in subrule 567- 61.3(3) of the IAC, has a pH of 6.5-9.0 and is located in soil or rock strata.
Uncontaminated Groundwater means water that is potable for humans, meets the narrative water quality standards in subrule 567 IAC 61.3(2), contains no more than half the listed concentration of any pollutants in subrule 567 IAC 61.3(3), has a pH of 6.5-9.0 and is located in soil or rock strata.

Examples of Uncontaminated Groundwater in a sentence

  • Construction Dewatering may be discharged to the ground on projects where CDPHE’s Low Risk Guidance Document for Discharges of Uncontaminated Groundwater to Land are met.

  • Construction Dewatering may be discharged to the ground on projects that are not covered by a CDPS- SCP if the conditions of the CDPHE’s low risk guidance document for Discharges of Uncontaminated Groundwater to Land are met.

  • Dewatering associated with construction activity is allowed when performed consistent with the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Low Risk Discharge Policy for Discharges of Uncontaminated Groundwater to Land.

  • Construction dewatering may be discharged to the ground of projects where CDPHE’s Low Risk Guidance Document for Discharges of Uncontaminated Groundwater to Land are met.

  • For additional information related to the Home Health Compare web site, refer to http://www.medicare.gov/homehealthcompare/search.aspxThe Patient Experience domain includes measures that assess patients’ responses to the services they received from the HHA.

  • A copy of the Permit shall be submitted to the Engineer prior to dewatering operations commencing.Construction Dewatering may be discharged to the ground on projects where CDPHE’s Low Risk Guidance Document for Discharges of Uncontaminated Groundwater to Land are met.

  • Characterization of 200-UP-1 Aquifer Sediments and Results of Sorption-Desorption Tests Using Spiked Uncontaminated Groundwater.

  • The Company has estimated that the use of a 10-foot high noise barrier would reduce expected noise levels by 5 dBA to 8 dBA, depending on the distance from the transition vault.

  • Uncontaminated Groundwater Infiltration from Routine City Infrastructure Maintenance This includes low volume dewatering of uncontaminated ground water that has infiltrated [as defined by 40 CFR 35.2005(20)] City utility structures and is diverted into the storm drain system.

  • If the diverted water enters the construction area and contacts pollutant sources (e.g. disturbed soil, concrete washout, etc.), the Contractor shall obtain a CDW permit for the discharge of this water to State waters or to the ground.Construction Dewatering may be discharged to the ground on projects that are not covered by a CDPS-SCP if the conditions of the CDPHE’s low risk guidance document for Discharges of Uncontaminated Groundwater to Land are met.

Related to Uncontaminated Groundwater

  • Groundwater means all water, which is below the surface of the ground in the saturation zone and in direct contact with the ground or subsoil.

  • Contaminated soil means soil that meets all of the following criteria:

  • Soil means all unconsolidated mineral and organic material of any origin.

  • Contaminate means the addition of sediment, any other pollutant or waste, or any illicit or prohibited discharge.

  • Contaminated site means a site where there is a confirmed presence, caused by man, of hazardous substances of such a level that they pose a significant risk to human health or the environment taking into account current and approved future use of the land;

  • Contaminated means the actual existence on or under any real property of Hazardous Substances, if the existence of such Hazardous Substances triggers a requirement to perform any investigatory, remedial, removal or other response action under any Environmental Laws or if such response action legally could be required by any governmental authority; "Facility" means any property currently owned, leased or occupied by the Company.

  • Contamination means the presence of, or Release on, under, from or to the environment of any Hazardous Substance, except the routine storage and use of Hazardous Substances from time to time in the ordinary course of business, in compliance with Environmental Laws and with good commercial practice.

  • Decontamination means a process that attempts to remove or reduce to an acceptable level a contaminant exceeding an allowable threshold set forth in these Rules in a harvest batch or production batch.

  • Hazardous Materials Contamination means contamination (whether now existing or hereafter occurring) of the improvements, buildings, facilities, personalty, soil, groundwater, air or other elements on or of the relevant property by Hazardous Materials, or any derivatives thereof, or on or of any other property as a result of Hazardous Materials, or any derivatives thereof, generated on, emanating from or disposed of in connection with the relevant property.

  • Environmental Contamination means the introduction or presence of Hazardous Materials at such levels, quantities or location, or of such form or character, as to constitute a violation of federal, state or local laws or regulations, and present a material risk under federal, state or local laws and regulations that the Premises will not be available or usable for the purposes contemplated by this Agreement.

  • Hazardous chemical has the meaning given in subregulation 5(1) of the Work Health and Safety Regulations 2011 (Cth) and includes: prohibited carcinogen, as defined in subregulation 5(1) of the Work Health and Safety Regulations 2011 (Cth); restricted carcinogen, as defined in subregulation 5(1) of the Work Health and Safety Regulations 2011 (Cth); hazardous chemicals the use of which is restricted under regulation 382 of the Work Health and Safety Regulations 2011 (Cth), including polychlorinated biphenyls; Schedule 11 Hazardous Chemicals; hazardous chemicals listed in Table 14.1 of Schedule 14 of the Work Health and Safety Regulations 2011 (Cth); Schedule 15 Chemicals; and lead as defined in subregulation 5(1) of the Work Health and Safety Regulations 2011 (Cth).

  • Lead-contaminated dust means surface dust that contains an area or mass concentration of lead at or in excess of levels identified by the Environmental Protection Agency pursuant to § 403 of TSCA (15 U.S.C. § 2683).

  • Underground injection means the subsurface emplacement of fluids through a bored, drilled or driven well; or through a dug well, where the depth of the dug well is greater than the largest surface dimension. (See also “injection well”.)

  • Hazardous Material means anything defined as a hazardous waste, hazardous substance, toxic substance, hazardous material, pollutant, or contaminant or similar term under an Environmental Law

  • Subsurface tracer study means the release of a substance tagged with radioactive material for the purpose of tracing the movement or position of the tagged substance in the well-bore or adjacent formation.

  • Hazardous Substances means any toxic or hazardous substances, materials, wastes, contaminants or pollutants, including asbestos, PCBs, petroleum products and byproducts, and any substances defined or listed as "hazardous substances," "hazardous materials," "hazardous wastes" or "toxic substances" (or similarly identified), regulated under or forming the basis for liability under any applicable Environmental Law.

  • Hazardous Materials means all explosive or radioactive substances or wastes and all hazardous or toxic substances, wastes or other pollutants, including petroleum or petroleum distillates, asbestos or asbestos containing materials, polychlorinated biphenyls, radon gas, infectious or medical wastes and all other substances or wastes of any nature regulated pursuant to any Environmental Law.

  • impermeable surface means a surface or pavement constructed and maintained to a standard sufficient to prevent the transmission of liquids beyond the pavement surface, and should be read in conjunction with the term “sealed drainage system” (below).

  • Hazardous Substance Activity means any activity, event, or occurrence involving a Hazardous Substance, including, without limitation, the manufacture, possession, presence, use, generation, transportation, treatment, storage, disposal, Release, threatened Release, abatement, removal, remediation, handling of or corrective or response action to any Hazardous Substance.

  • Dangerous Substance means any radioactive emissions and any natural or artificial substance (whether in solid or liquid form or in the form of a gas or vapour and whether alone or in combination with any other substance) which, taking into account the concentrations and quantities present and the manner in which it is being used or handled, it is reasonably foreseeable will cause harm to man or any other living organism or damage to the Environment including any controlled, special, hazardous, toxic, radioactive or dangerous waste.

  • Dangerous Substances means a substance or article described in regulation 3 of the Dangerous Substances Regulations;

  • Mold means mold, fungus, microbial contamination or pathogenic organisms.

  • Existing Contamination means any Contamination present on, or under, the Site as of the execution date of this Contract.

  • Controlled dangerous substance means a drug, substance, or

  • Homogeneous material means one material of uniform composition throughout or a material, consisting of a combination of materials, that cannot be disjointed or separated into different materials by mechanical actions such as unscrewing, cutting, crushing, grinding and abrasive processes;

  • Extremely Hazardous Substance has the meaning set forth in Section 302 of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986, as amended.