Examples of Uncontaminated groundwater in a sentence
Dewatering associated with construction activity is allowed when performed consistent with the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Low Risk Discharge Policy for Discharges of Uncontaminated Groundwater to Land.
SWMP Administrator for Construction shall provide a method statement of how discharge will be handled]Discharge DescriptionSite Map #Method Statement (Location)Dewatering* Uncontaminated Spring Concrete Wash Water (in-ground washout structure) Landscape Irrigation Return Flows Emergency Fire Fighting *Refer to CDPHE Low Risk Discharge Guidance Document of Uncontaminated Groundwater to Land.
The State of Colorado also has a Low Risk Discharge Policy for Uncontaminated Groundwater Discharges to Ground.
If the diverted water enters the construction area and contacts pollutant sources (e.g. disturbed soil, concrete washout, etc.), the Contractor shall obtain a CDW permit for the discharge of this water to State waters or to the ground.Construction Dewatering may be discharged to the ground on projects that are not covered by a CDPS-SCP if the conditions of the CDPHE’s low risk guidance document for Discharges of Uncontaminated Groundwater to Land are met.
The following discussion outlines the permits available for discharges of groundwater and differences between the Discharges Associated with Subterranean Dewatering or Well Development General Permit, the Construction Dewatering General Permit, the Remediation Activities General Permit, and the Low Risk Discharge Policy for Uncontaminated Groundwater Discharges to Ground.
Construction Dewatering may be discharged to the ground on projects where CDPHE’s Low Risk Guidance Document for Discharges of Uncontaminated Groundwater to Land are met.
Discharges to surface water requires individual permit coverage.Uncontaminated ground waterDischarges to land are covered by the Division Low Risk Discharge Guidance: Discharges of Uncontaminated Groundwater to Land (September 2009).