Examples of Dangerous Substances in a sentence
The storage and use of this product is subject to the Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations (DSEAR).
The requirements are given in the HSE Approved Code of Practice and Guidance, Storage of Dangerous Substances: DSEAR.
Industrial Safety and Health Act, Dangerous Substances (Japan): This material contains no reportable components.Poisonous and Deleterious Substances Act (Japan): This material contains no reportable components.Chemical Substances Subject to Permission (Korea): This material contains no reportable components.Restricted or Prohibited Substances (Korea): This material contains no reportable components.
The principles contained in the HSE Guidance Note: Storage of Packaged Dangerous Substances, should be observed when storing this product.
DISCLAIMER The information provided in this document has been compiled on the basis of our current knowledge and is believed to be in accordance with the requirements of the Dangerous Substances Directive, Dangerous Preparations Directive and Safety Data Sheets Directive.