Examples of Under the influence of alcohol in a sentence
Students under the influence of alcohol may be included if it results in disciplinary action.Level 1 - Unintentional possession of alcohol.Level 2 - Under the influence of alcohol without possession.Level 3 - Violation of laws or ordinances prohibiting the manufacture, sale, purchase, transportation, possession, or consumption of alcoholic beverages or substances represented as alcohol.ARSON - Unlawful and intentional damage or attempted damage to any real or personal property by fire or incendiary device.
The Consent is not valid if it is signed when the Member is: In labor Seeking or obtaining an abortion Under the influence of alcohol or drugs Signed less than 30 days prior to procedure Consent to Sterilization form can be obtained by contacting: OHA, Provider Forms DistributionPO Box 14090Salem, OR 97309-4090 Access the OHA form online at: https://www.oregon.gov/oha/PH/HEALTHYPEOPLEFAMILIES/REPRODUCTIVESEXUALHEALTH/RESOURCES/Pages/resourc es-medical.aspx#consent or Click here.
Under the influence of alcohol or drugs during work performance will be cause for immediate termination.
Under the influence of alcohol shall mean testing positive for the presence of alcohol based upon the guidelines of Section 440.101, or 440.102, Florida Statutes, or Florida Administrative Code 38F-8 (unless a stricter standard is authorized by law for a specified job position).
Under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance while on duty, or in possession of alcohol or a controlled substance while on duty.ATM 2018g.