Understory vegetation definition
Examples of Understory vegetation in a sentence
Understory vegetation beneath the dripline of preserved trees shall be retained in an undisturbed state.
Understory vegetation in these areas may include greenbriar (Smilax sp.), poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans), honeysuckle (Lonicera sp.), blackberry, and beautyberry (Callicarpa americana), as well as a variety of grasses and legumes.
Understory vegetation varies from location to location depending on soil conditions, frequency of disturbance, and the level of available moisture.
Understory vegetation recovery is expected to begin within the first year following treatment.
Understory vegetation in relation to soil differentiation in a western redcedar/western hemlock community.
Understory vegetation may be uprooted as the machine turns, however many shrubs will simply resprout from roots or broken stems and resume growth.
This Permit authorizes the Land Clearing, Grubbing, or Removal of Protected Trees and Understory vegetation only as depicted on an accompanying Site Plan.
Site Code Site NameLat(deg)Lon(deg)Samplingdate Spectrometer model Understory vegetation Representativeness AT_ZbnZoebelboden(LTER) 47.842 Table1.
Understory vegetation response to thinning and burning restoration treatments in dry conifer forests of the eastern Cascades, USA.
Lots shall have a minimum total square footage of 21,780 square feet or one-half acre.