Undeveloped rangeland definition

Undeveloped rangeland means unimproved land, the use of which is generally limited to grazing of livestock. Undeveloped rangeland does not include areas within the alluvial valley floor where cultivated crops, small grains, and hay crops have been successfully grown, the land has been improved by the introduction of certain vegetation for enhanced agricultural utility, or native vegetation on the alluvial valley floor contributes substantially to the carrying capacity of a specifically controlled or managed grazing unit.
Undeveloped rangeland means, for purposes of ALLUVIAL VALLEY FLOORS, lands where the use is not specifically controlled and managed.
Undeveloped rangeland means, for purposes of alluvial valley floors, lands generally used for livestock grazing where such use is not specifically controlled and managed.

Examples of Undeveloped rangeland in a sentence

  • San Ildefonso Pueblo lands in the project area include isolated residential neighborhoods in the middle portion of the corridor (San Ildefonso tribal lands) and Undeveloped rangeland in the southern portion of the corridor (San Ildefonso tribal lands).

More Definitions of Undeveloped rangeland

Undeveloped rangeland means, for purposes of alluvial valley floors, lands that have not been agronomically altered by farming, seeding, interseeding, or other means, to increase production over the native condition and that are not intensively managed as irrigated or subirrigated pastures.
Undeveloped rangeland means, for purposes of al- luvial valley floors, lands where the use is not specifically controlled and managed.

Related to Undeveloped rangeland

  • Undeveloped Property means all Assessor’s Parcels of Taxable Property which are not Developed Property.