Examples of Unencumbered space in a sentence
Unencumbered space is usable space that is not encumbered by any furnishing or fixture.
Continuing education shall be a mandatory requirement for license renewal, except that the Board shall not require completion of continuing dental education credits for initial registration of dentists.
As already mentioned, BAC has taken the first steps and its members recognise that BAC benefits from them.
Unencumbered space is usablespace that is not encumbered by furnishing or fixtures.
Source: Indiana State Cancer Registry WHO GETS PR OS TATE C ANCER ?• Age.
Unencumbered space does not include passageways, thoroughfares, (including door swings), toilet and hygiene facilities, any area permanently set aside for storage or administration, or any other space that is not suitable for children.Non-approval of verandahs as indoor play space The Early Childhood Centre and School Age Care Facilities Code prohibits the inclusion of a verandah as indoor play space.
Unencumbered space is defined within the Queensland Development Code (QDC) as clear circulation space with no fixtures or fittings intruding within the space or workplace.
Unencumbered space is determined by multiplying the length and width of the room and subtracting from this figure the total number of square feet not occupied by bed(s), plumbing fixtures, desk(s), locker(s), and other fixed equipment.