Union Directors definition
Examples of Union Directors in a sentence
The Union Directors and StellarOne Directors will be split as equally as possible among the three classes of directors to serve staggered terms.
The chairman and vice-chairman shall be selected from among the Employer Directors, and the secretary and vice-secretary shall be selected from among the Union Directors in the even-numbered years.
In odd-numbered years the chairman and vice-chairman shall be selected from among the Union Directors and the secretary and vice-secretary shall be selected from among the Employer Directors.
In all meetings of the Directors ten (10) Directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business providing there are at least five (5) Employer Directors and five (5) Union Directors present and acting at such meeting.
Agencies shall be jointly represented in those consultations in accordance with the rules to be fixed by agreement between them."The College is composed of the Heads of administration of the institutions of the European Union (Directors general and Directors responsible for administration and/or human resources) and a representative for the agencies designated by them.17 An adviser from the Legal service of the European Commission participates to all meetings.
The Directors may authorize an Employer Director and a Union Director or any joint group equally composed of Employer and Union Directors to jointly execute any notice or other instrument in writing and all persons, partnerships, corporations or associations may rely thereupon that such notice or instrument has been duly authorized and is binding on the Plan and the Directors.
Education Requirements Directors are required to complete the mandatory legislated Credit Union Directors Achievement Program (CUDA) Level A over a one-year period.
The Company shall, as promptly as practicable after any formal action by the Board to fix the date of the annual meeting of stockholders next following such action, deliver to the Union a written notice setting forth the date fixed for such annual meeting and identifying any Union Directors whose terms are expiring at such annual meeting.
Each committee shall be composed of an equal number of Employer and Union Directors and shall be controlled by procedures decided by the Directors.
In the event that any matter presented for decision by a unit vote under subsection (b) of this Section cannot be decided by the Directors as a whole because of a tie vote between Employer Directors and Union Directors, the matter shall remain in status quo pending the vote of the impartial umpire as provided in Article VIII hereof.