unique operator identifier means a unique string of characters for the identification of actors involved in the value chain of products;
unique operator identifier means a unique string of characters for the identification of actors
unique operator identifier means a unique string of characters for the identification
More Definitions of unique operator identifier
unique operator identifier means a unique string of characters for the identification of an actor involved in a product’s value chain;
unique operator identifier means unique operator identifier as defined in Article 2 paragraph 1, point 32 of Regulation (EU) .../...) [OJ insert serial number for Ecodesign Requirements for Sustainable Products];
unique operator identifier means a unique string of characters for the identification of actors an economic operator involved in the value chain of toysa toy;
unique operator identifier means a unique string of characters for the identification of actors involved in the value chain of toys; (16) ‘unique operator identifier’ means unique operator identifier as defined in Article 2 paragraph 1, point 32 of Regulation (EU) .../...) [OJ insert serial number for Ecodesign Requirements for Sustainable Products];
unique operator identifier means a unique string of characters for the identification of economic operatorsactors involved in the value chain of products; [Am. 41]
unique operator identifier means a unique string of characters for the identification of the manufacturer or of supply chain actors;
unique operator identifier means unique operator identifier as defined in Article 2 paragraph 1, point 32 of Regulation (EU) .../...) [PO insert serial number for Ecodesign Requirements for